Thursday, April 18, 2024

What Is The Difference Between Cane Sugar And Beet Sugar

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What Is Sugar Beet

The Hunger Crop – Sugar Beets vs. Sugar Cane

Sugar beet is a white, parsnip-like taproot which makes sugar through the process of photosynthesis in its leaves, then stored in its root. It has a content of about 16% sugar, and goes through an extraction process that separates the sugar from the plant. Unlike sugar cane, sugar beet can grow in temperate climates, and is therefore a more popular alternative to cane in Europe and North America.

What Does It Taste Like

Cane sugar is sweet, and each variety of cane sugar may have different flavor profiles depending on whether it’s unrefined, raw or refined. Generally the less refined a sugar is, the more it will retain the flavor of molasses. Refined sugar is 99.95 percent sucrose, so it has a pure, clean, sweet flavor.

Which Sugar Is Best For Baking

When it comes down to specifics, granulated sugar is technically the better option for baking. That is because it is an incredibly fine white sugar that can be measured and applied to any recipe without altering the outcome.

Cane sugar can be used in place of granulated sugar. The only thing to remember is that your end product might be slightly darker in appearance. Certain recipes, such as double chocolate cookies, wont be impacted like a sugar cookie might.

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Beet Sugar Vs Cane Sugar: Is There A Difference

The nutritional contents of sugar rarely include where the sugar was sourced and may leave you skeptical, which is why we would like to provide a roadmap.

You may not be aware, but the sugar you use in your products can be a range of cane sugar, beet sugar, or often a blend of both. These two plants both go through a refining process to extract sucrose. However, the method to obtain the product is quite different. Below we will outline the major differences in the sourcing and refining of these two sugars, and how they can affect the final outcome of your product.

Where Does It Come From

Whats the Difference Between Cane Sugar and Beet Sugar?

Sucrose is found in many different plants we consume, such as honey, dates, and maple sap, but the plants with the highest concentration of sucrose are sugarcane and sugar beet. This is the main reason why they are the plants chosen to refine into sugar products.

Sugarcane is grown as grass in tropical climates. The top grower, internationally, is Brazil, but it is also produced domestically in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. The sugarcane has a longer growing season than sugar beets, of up to 7-8 months until harvest.

Sugar beets are grown in more domestic states than sugarcane since they can adapt to both cold and warm climates. The top international beet grower is Europe. The harvesting season for beets is short, based on whichever hemisphere it is being grown in.

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How Does Brown Sugar Differ From White Sugar

Brown sugar consists of white sugar crystals in specially prepared cane molasses syrup with controlled natural flavor and color components. A number of sugar manufacturers make brown sugar by preparing and boiling a special syrup containing these same components until brown sugar crystals form. While others produce brown sugar by blending a special flavored syrup with white sugar crystals.

Cane Vs Beet Sugar: A Difference

Granulated white sugar, the favorite and most widely available sweetener, is extracted from sugar cane and sugar beet plants. We call it simply “sugar” or table sugar, no matter where it comes from, and most of us cannot distinguish one from the other.

However, it turns out some consumers argue they have a different aroma, caramelization, and baking performance. In this blog post, we explore what could be responsible for those differences. Also, when it comes to culinary performance, is cane sugar better or worse than beet sugar?

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Where Is Your Sugar Produced

Because United Sugars has a unique, fully integrated business structure, we provide and transport sugar throughout the nation. We have 9 sugar producing plants, primarily in the Red River Valley along the border of North Dakota and Minnesota. We also produce beet sugar in Montana and Wyoming, as well as cane sugar in the Florida Everglades.

Is It Cane Sugar Beet Sugar A Blend

What is Cane Sugar

The familiar table sugar might beproduced from sugar beet in a Sugar Factory or from raw sugar in a Sugar Refinery. Have you ever noticed that sugar producers usually don’t state if their sugar is from sugarcane or sugarbeet? The reasons for that are listed below:

  • Producers of cane and beet sugars are not required to mention the source of their product because, , only sweeteners derived from cane and beet should be declared on food labels as “sugar”.

Typically, if the label of a white sugar does not identify if it is from cane or beet , the product is from beet or a blend. For those brands, portions of each in any given serving vary over time based on price from the producers so that it can be cane one time, but beet another, or both cane and beet mixed. If a brand is always cane, it will often be labeled as such. Keep reading to find out why they are blended. The image below shows some common brand names of cane sugar, beet sugars, and blends.

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Cane & Beet Sugars: Interchangeable

Refined sugar from beet and cane may be used interchangeably for all purposes. I list below some facts about them, to be able to draw a comparison:

  • Both cane and beet sugars are 99.95 percent sucrose, even though they come from different plants. They have a minuscule fraction of impurities that is in fact, different. In regards to human nutrition and health, there is no difference between white cane and beet sugars.

  • Differences in aroma, caramelization, and baking performance have been reported, even though most people cannot notice any discrepancies between table sugar from beet and cane. The taste and sweetness are the same for both sugars a clean, pleasant sweetness from start to finish, that hits quickly without lingering. No aftertaste.

  • Some consumers have reported that cane sugar caramelizes better than beet sugar. Very experienced users claim beet sugar burns quicker to black making it harder to work with it than cane sugar. Reports that there is a slight difference in baking performance have also been made. Again, these culinary differences are undetectable by the vast majority of consumers.

  • Some people claim that beet sugar has a characteristic off-aroma, referred to as an earthy odor. Considering that beet is a root, one possible explanation could be the aroma of beet sugar originates from the fact that beet grows underground. Most of us are unable to discriminate between the aroma of cane and beet sugar.

Main Difference Beet Sugar Vs Cane Sugar

Sugar production and trade have transformed the progression of human antiquity in many different ways, prompting the development of colonies and influencing the ethnic arrangement and political structure of the world. In 2011, 168 million tons of sugar was produced worldwide. The average person consumes about 25 kilograms of sugar each year that is equal to over 260 food calories per person, per day. Sugars originate in the tissues of all most all plants. However, they are present in very high concentrations mainly in sugarcane and sugar beet. Thus, cane sugar refers to the sugar derived from sugarcane whereas beet sugar refers to the sugar derive from sugar beet. This is the main difference between beet sugar and cane sugar. Sugarcane belongs to the genus Saccharum that have been grown in tropical climates in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Sugar beet , is cultivated as a root crop in cooler climates and turn into a main basis of sugar in the 19th century. The purpose of this article is to highlight the difference between sugar and cane sugar.

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Why Are Cane & Beet Sugars Blended

Blends of cane and beet sugars are common because many sugar producers do not sell their products directly to consumers. They have their products sold and distributed by sugar marketing organizations, which may blend beet and cane sugar, based on price and availability. The top marketers in the country include:

  • Domino Foods Inc and Imperial Sugar are the top distributors of refined sugar from sugar cane in the country. DFI is owned by American Sugar Refining , based in Florida, which claims to be the leader in the production of refined sugar. DFI’s brand names include Florida Crystals and sister brands C& H and Domino.Imperial Sugar is a subsidiary of Louis Dreyfus Company LLC and a manufacturer and marketer of sister brands Imperial Sugar and Dixie Crystals.

  • United Sugars Corp is the nations second largest marketer of refined sugar. It provides beet & cane sugar, distributing almost 25% of the total refined sugar in the country. United is a cooperative owned by 3 producers: American Crystal , Minn-Dak Farmers Coop , andUS Sugar Corp. . Top brand: Crystal Sugar.

Do Beet Sugar And Cane Sugar Differ Once Processed


Once sugar beet and cane sugar have been refined and arrive at Ragus Pure Sugars they are both chemically identical despite their origins. Both can be used to produce our range of sugar products, including liquid sugar, golden and invert syrups as well as custom formulations. Equally, beet sugar and cane sugar once manufactured undergo the same rigorous testing to ensure quality and consistency in each batch that leaves our factory.

Despite where they are grown, and the slightly different refining process they go through, both cane and beet sugar are used in our formulations and can be applied to suit our customers varied requirements.

You can learn more about how sugar is processed and refined in the learning zone, or to find your ideal sugar product contact our expert customer services team on on +44 1753 215424 or

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Cane And Beet Sugars: Gmo

The United States is one of the only countries in the world that grows both cane and beet plants. Currently, only genetically modified varieties of sugar beets are planted. Read the statement of an American coop of 850 beet growers explaining why they support GMO technology here.

Most sugar cane is non-GMO. Up until recently, it was one crop that had not been genetically modified. However, since 2017, Brazil has been growing GM cane. Brazil is one of the top cane sugar producers and exporter of crude raw sugar in the world. The United States is the second top importer of crude raw sugar, which is used to produce refined sugars.

Be aware that sugar itself is GMO-free. Once sugar is refined, it no longer has any traces of GMOs in it. Sucrose molecule is identical whether it comes from GMO plants or not.

Cost Of Cane Vs Beet Sugars

The price of cane sugar we pay in stores is similar to that of beet sugar. In January of 2020, the average cost of white refined sugar I paid in stores across the city of Richmond, Virginia was 75 cents per pound. It varied from 28 cents to $1.30 a pound.

I also bought two imported refined beet sugars and paid about $4 per pound. According to the label in the back of the package of NOW non-GMO Beet Sugar and NOW Organic Beet Sugar, they are imported from Austria. Europe is the world’s leading beet sugar producer. It grows only non-GMO sugar beets but no sugar cane is planted there. Also, sugars made from GM cane and GM beet cannot be sold in Europe.

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Works Differently In Recipes

Although cane sugar and beet sugar are nearly identical in terms of nutrition, they may work differently in recipes.

This is partially due to distinct differences in terms of taste, which can alter the flavor of your dishes.

Beet sugar has an earthy, oxidized aroma and faint burnt-sugar aftertaste, whereas cane sugar is characterized by a sweeter aftertaste and more fruity aroma .

Furthermore, some chefs and bakers find that different types of sugar alter the texture and appearance of the final product in some recipes.

Most notably, cane sugar is said to caramelize more easily and result in a more uniform product than beet sugar. On the other hand, beet sugar can create a crunchier texture and has a unique taste that works well in certain baked goods.

How Is United Sugars Different Than Other Sugar Suppliers

Natural Cane Sugar vs Granulated Sugar

From a sugar-supply continuity standpoint, we are the most reliable sugar producer in the U.S. due to our volume capabilities and coast-to-coast distribution network. Unlike other sugar suppliers, our sales team, customer service team and quality assurance team are solely focused on sugar, no other commodities. We aim to exceed expectations by providing our customers with the most updated market knowledge, best in class customer service and quality productsin the most sustainable way possible.

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Cane Sugar Vs Beet Sugar

Sugar is a naturally occurring carbohydrate found in every fruit and vegetable. Most of the sugar in the world comes from two sources: Sugar cane and beets, as it is easily extracted from both and both contain large quantities of sucrose. 99.95% sucrose in fact.

The .05% difference is due in part to the fact that sugar cane and beets are different plants with different chemical makeups grown in different environments.

Sugar cane is a tropical grass that grows abundantly in warm, moist and tropical climates and can reach 10-20 feet in height. Four U.S. states produce sugar cane: Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana and Texas. Sugar beets are grown as an underground root crop in temperate climates.

Sugar cane is harvested by chopping off the stems or canes while leaving the roots so that the plant can grow again, making it a highly stainable crop. Sugar beets are planted every year.

Pure cane sugar is non-GMO. Imperial Sugar does not use genetically modified plants in any of our pure cane sugar products. Beet sugar can be derived from genetically modified plants. The U.S. does not require labels to designate whether the sugar is derived from sugar cane or beets. If you are concerned about avoiding beet sugar, be sure to look for “Pure Cane Sugar” on the package.

The Astonishing Differences Between Beet And Cane Sugar

While cane sugar is extracted from the stalks of sugarcane plants, that look very similar to bamboo cane, beet sugar is obtained from beets that grow underground and are commonly known as the root crop.

While cane sugar is extracted from the stalks of sugarcane plants, that look very similar to bamboo cane, beet sugar is obtained from beets that grow underground and are commonly known as the root crop.

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What Is Cane Sugar

Cane sugar is, perhaps unsurprisingly, sugar made from sugar cane. Cane sugar producers crush the vegetable material from sugarcane to collect and filter juice that they often treat with lime to remove impurities before it is neutralized.

It is not known for being particularly healthy, but it does have some health benefits. WebMD notes, “Your body’s primary source of energy is a simple sugar called ‘glucose,’ which comes from the breakdown of sugars.”

Impurities: Some Say Tiny But Meaningful

What is the difference between beet sugar and cane sugar?

Table sugar is considered one of the purest food products. Chemically speaking, it is an astonishing 99.95 percent pure sucrose, regardless of whether it is made from cane or beet. The remaining 0.05 percent is mostly water plus what is called impurities.

Impurities are undetectable by the vast majority of consumers because they are present in minuscule amounts. However, the presence of those substances is the only possible explanation as to why some people claim they can detect the source of their table sugar and that beet sugar has different culinary performance than cane sugar.

Impurities include anything other than sucrose and result from: the raw material, and the process used to produce each sugar. The composition of impurities in cane sugar is not the same as in beet sugar.Learn why next.

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Cooks Tasters Put Sugar To The Test

The Chronicle Food staff baked five batches of the Brown Sugar Walnut Squares recipe on this page, each using a different brand of light brown sugar. Tasters didn’t know which was which when they sampled. Here are our results:

— Best Yet . Cookies were very chewy, with unpleasant grainy texture and brittle crust.

— Springfield . These cookies had a datelike “dark, sticky” flavor, with a very crunchy top and bottom and lots of separation among top, interior and bottom.

— Safeway . Softer and moister than Best Yet and Springfield, not as sweet, clean tasting with no date flavor, lots of nut flavor and a buttery quality and uniform texture. It was some tasters’ favorite.

— C & H . More depth of flavor than Safeway, with a hint of molasses, most uniform texture and golden-brown color, no separation. Many tasters’ favorite.

Lady Lee/Lucky . Dark, dense, sticky, with a raisinlike texture, red-brown color and distinct separation among top, interior and bottom.

We also baked four batches of Butterscotch Pound Cake, each using a different sugar.

— Spreckels white granulated . Pleasantly crunchy top relatively coarse, dry crumb, yet gummy when chewed. Very sweet.

— C & H white granulated . Finer, more even texture than Spreckels, with moister crumb and better flavor. Less sweet.

— C & H light brown. Nice flavor and texture, more golden than first two cakes.

— Springfield light brown . Top is crunchier than C & H, but appearance and flavor not significantly different.

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