Thursday, September 19, 2024

Will High Sugar Make You Dizzy

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Whos At Risk For Hypoglycemia

What To Do When You Feel Dizzy

Just because diabetes doesnt run in your family does NOT mean you arent at risk for hypoglycemia. In fact, ANYONE can experience hypoglycemia !

Reactive hypoglycemia is the most common reason for hypoglycemia in non-diabetics. Basically, after eating a large amount of carbohydrates, the pancreas overproduces insulin, causing too much of a drop in blood sugar.

So, youre at risk for hypoglycemia if youre eating too much high-carbohydrate food especially if those foods are processed.

This automatically includes anyone eating the Standard American Diet which is loaded with high-carb, processed foods.

What if you eat Real Food? Can you still be hypoglycemic?

Unfortunately, yes.

Although traditionally preparing carb-rich foods like grains and beans through soaking, sprouting, or souring does reduce the glycemic load of these foods, they are STILL high in carbs and will STILL cause hypoglycemia when eaten in excess.

If soaked or sprouted beans, rice, or grains and/or sourdough bread make up a large percentage of your daily diet, you may be unknowingly causing blood sugar spikes and drops which could lead to hypoglycemic symptoms.

Finally, are you under a lot of stress? Or do you suffer anxiety? If so, youre at risk for hypoglycemia.

What Are The Complications Of Low Blood Glucose

Mild-to-moderate low blood glucose can be easily treated. But severely low blood glucose can cause serious complications, including passing out, coma, or death.

Repeated episodes of low blood glucose can lead to

  • high blood glucose levels, if worry or fear of low blood glucose keeps you from taking the medicines you need to manage your diabetes8
  • hypoglycemia unawareness, a condition in which you dont notice any symptoms of low blood glucose until your blood glucose level has dropped very low

What Are The Symptoms Experienced When A Person Feels Dizzy

  • Lightheadedness is the feeling of weakness and faintness as if you are about to pass out. The symptoms tend to be short-lived, depending on the cause. There may be associated nausea, sweating, and blurred vision.
  • If the cause is dehydration or bleeding, the symptoms may worsen by standing quickly and may resolve somewhat by lying down
  • Heart rhythm disturbances may occur without warning and may be associated with palpitations. This may come and go or it may persist. The heartbeat may be felt as too fast , too slow, and/or irregular.
  • Vertigo is the sensation of spinning and may present without warning and be associated with nausea and vomiting. People with inner ear problems may be debilitated and unable to move without generating symptoms.
  • People with a cerebellar cause of vertigo such as a stroke or tumor may have associated coordination problems or difficulty walking, and other signs of stroke.

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Cut And Spread Out Carbs

Your first act should be to cut down on the carbohydrates you eat. Many dieters swear that keeping off carbs and eating a diet rich in dark greens, fruits and nuts help them to avoid hyperglycemia.

If you cannot avoid having the apple pie at that all-important party, eat it in small amounts. You can save some for later. Make the effort to spread your carbs out.

How Is It Treated

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If you often have symptoms of hypoglycemia, you should see your healthcare provider. Your provider can help you determine the cause. Your provider will also give you guidelines for treating low blood sugar when you are having symptoms.

When you see your provider, be sure to take your notebook or glucose meter with all of the results of your recent blood sugar checks. This helps your provider know whether you are on the right medicines and are taking the right dose at the right time of day. Without this record, it is harder for your provider to help you figure out the cause of your symptoms.

Here are some examples of guidelines your provider may give you:

  • If you have diabetes and you think your blood sugar may be too low, check it with your home meter before treatment, if possible.
  • Always carry some form of sugar you can eat as soon as you have any symptoms of hypoglycemia. The following amounts and types of foods will bring your blood sugar level up:
  • 2 to 5 glucose tablets
  • 1/2 cup fruit juice
  • 1/2 cup regular soda
  • 6 to 8 ounces of skim milk
  • 1/4 to 1/3 cup of raisins
  • 5 to 7 pieces of hard candy like Lifesavers
  • a tube of glucose in gel form
  • 1 tablespoon of molasses, corn syrup, or honey
  • If you still have symptoms 10 to 15 minutes after eating or drinking one of the foods listed above, you may need to eat or drink another portion.
  • If you are about to eat a meal, eat the fruit or drink the juice first and then eat the rest of your meal.
  • Recommended Reading: What Is Elevated Blood Sugar

    Controlled Means Different Things To Different People

    Theres no one-size-fits-all recommendation for blood sugar control.

    The ADA says that a reasonable goal for many nonpregnant adults is to aim for an A1C level of less than 7. Yet some patients may be given a more stringent goal by their healthcare providers, such as 6.5, if thats reachable without harmful side effects, including hypoglycemia.

    On the other hand, if you are elderly, managing other health complications, or reliant on insulin, you may be given less stringent goals. It really becomes more important to just keep in the same place, says Rahil Bandukwala, DO, an endocrinologist at MemorialCare Saddleback Medical Center in Laguna Hills, California. Keeping A1C between 7.5 and 8.5 may be very reasonable for such a patient, Dr. Bandukwala adds, echoing the ADAs recommendations.

    Because elderly people are more likely to have blood sugar that swings too far downward, with fewer warning signs, managing their glucose too tightly can put them at greater risk for hypoglycemia, says Bandukwala. When you have low blood sugar, youre at a higher risk for becoming dizzy and falling or passing out, notes the ADA.

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    How To Treat Someone Who’s Unconscious Or Very Sleepy

    Follow these steps:

  • Put the person in the recovery position and do not put anything in their mouth ;so;they do not choke.
  • If an injection of glucagon is available and you know how to use it, give it to them immediately.
  • If they wake up within 10 minutes of getting the injection and feel better, move on to step 5. If they do not improve within 10 minutes, call 999 for an ambulance.
  • If they’re fully awake and able to eat and drink safely, give them a carbohydrate snack.
  • They may need to go to hospital if they’re being sick , or their blood sugar level drops again.

    Tell your diabetes care team if you ever have a severe hypo that caused you to lose consciousness.

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    Stay Away From Refined High

    My nickname for hypoglycemia is pre-pre-diabetes.

    Whether or not diabetes runs in your family, you have blood sugar issues if youre hypoglycemic. Period.

    Because hypoglycemia is often an indicator of worse things to come, refined, high-glycemic carbohydrates should no longer be regulars on your menu.

    First and foremost, this means a departure from processed foods. Processed foods are the most refined and contain the most sugar.

    Furthermore, checking the ingredients list for sugar;isnt enough. For instance, there may be no sugar listed in the ingredients of potato chips, however potatoes are very high-glycemic and will spike blood sugar even WITHOUT actual sugar added. Just because its a savory food doesnt mean it wont;spike your blood sugar.

    Sugar is not the only thing to aware of. Be wary of fructose , starches , and whole grains .

    So if you truly want to break the cycle of hypoglycemia today, you have to understand that these foods are contributing to the cycle and must be eliminated or significantly reduced:

    Not to worry! You wont starve! Now that youre aware of the foods that are causing the hypoglycemia cycle to be on repeat, heres how to nourish your body out of that cycle:

    Just How Blood Sugar Influences Your Body

    Can High Blood Sugar Cause Dizziness?

    When you have diabetes mellitus, your blood sugar level levels could be consistently high. Gradually, this can damage your body and cause several other troubles.

    What does it cost? sugar in the blood is as well much? As well as why is high glucose so bad for you? Heres a look at just how your levels affect your health and wellness.

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    Diabetes Dizziness: Have You Experienced Dizziness Related To Your Diabetes

    Dizziness is not a pleasant feeling. It can strike unexpectedly anytime, anywhere, leaving you unable to carry on with everyday tasks.

    This lightheaded sensation is typically accompanied by a sudden flush of heat and often seems to occur at the most inconvenient time possible, which can be embarrassing.

    As awkward as sudden dizziness can be, you should always alert someone nearby to the fact that you have diabetes. Feeling lightheaded can be the first warning that your blood glucose levels are awry, and you want someone close knowing how to help you.

    Causes Of Low Blood Sugar

    There are many reasons why you may have low blood sugar, including:

    • Taking too much insulin.
    • Not eating enough carbs for how much insulin you take.
    • Timing of when you take your insulin.
    • The amount and timing of physical activity.
    • Drinking alcohol.
    • How much fat, protein, and fiber are in your meal.
    • Hot and humid weather.
    • Unexpected changes in your schedule.
    • Spending time at a high altitude.
    • Going through puberty.
    • Menstruation.

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    How Is Vertigo Diagnosed

    The diagnosis of vertigo is most often made based upon history and clinical presentation. If the patient is experiencing a spinning sensation that worsens by a change in position, and lessens by lying still, the health care professional can confirm the cause of dizziness as vertigo if there are appropriate findings on physical examination.

    The doctor may take a further history to make certain that the symptom of vertigo is isolated to an inner ear condition and not due to a problem in the brain .

    Neurological examination

    Physical examination will focus on the neurologic examination and may involve looking at eye movements. With vertigo, nystagmus may be present. Nystagmus is an involuntary movement of the eyes, slow and smooth in one direction with fast twitches in the other. It is the eyes’ attempt to compensate for the abnormal signals created in the inner ear. The patient may be asked to lay flat or sit upright to uncover the presence of nystagmus.

    The doctor may test the patient’s hearing to assess potential hearing loss. This may be seen in Meniere’s disease or with an acoustic neuroma, but not necessarily with labyrinthitis or benign positional vertigo.

    The rest of the neurologic examination may be done to look for one-sided weakness, loss of coordination, or loss of balance as potential signs of stroke.

    Preventing A Low Blood Sugar Level

    High Blood Sugar and Dizziness in the Morning

    If you have diabetes, you can reduce your chance of getting a low blood sugar level if you:

    • Check your blood sugar level regularly and be aware of the;symptoms of a;low blood sugar level so you can treat it quickly.
    • Always carry a sugary snack or drink with you, such as glucose tablets, a carton of fruit juice or some sweets. If you have a glucagon injection kit, always keep it with you.
    • Do not skip meals.
    • Be careful when drinking;alcohol. Do not drink large amounts, check your blood sugar level regularly, and eat a carbohydrate snack afterwards.
    • Be careful when exercising; eating a carbohydrate snack before exercise can help to reduce the risk of a hypo. If you take some types of diabetes medicine, your doctor may recommend you take a lower dose before or after doing intense exercise.
    • Have a carbohydrate snack,;such as toast,;if your blood sugar level drops too low while you’re asleep

    If you keep getting a low blood sugar level, talk to your diabetes care team about things you can do to help prevent it.

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    Causes Of High Blood Sugar

    You must rein in your blood sugar if you have Type 2 diabetes. Not doing so will lead to a potentially fatal condition known as the hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic syndrome , when your body cannot process blood sugar any longer. You may be unable to urinate because you are completely dehydrated.

    To avoid hyperglycemia, you must know its causes. Your blood sugar may spike if you miss your insulin injections or eat too many carbohydrates. You may also develop hyperglycemia if you are ill, under stress or do not exercise enough.

    Types Of Foods Which Can Trigger Vertigo

    According to estimates, between the years 2001 and 2004 approximately 69 million people in the USA greater than age 49 years suffered from vestibular dysfunction. Vestibular system is present in your brain and it helps you to maintain balance, move freely and stand in upright position. These functions are disrupted during vertigo and you feel spinning of your surroundings. Causes of vertigo are injuries, migraines, seizures and problems with inner ear. Apart from medical treatment, avoiding certain foods can also improve symptoms of vertigo.

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    Hyperventilation As A Cause Of Dizziness

    While the body may use hyperventilation or rapid breathing to help with acid-base balance, it may also occur as a response to an emotionally stressful situation. In hyperventilation syndrome, the rapid breathing eliminates some of the body’s carbon dioxide, leading to a tingling sensation in the hands and feet, and around the mouth. Dizziness and lightheadedness are associated symptoms. The symptoms may increase the perceived emotional stress and cause even more hyperventilation. In severe hyperventilation, carbon dioxide levels drop enough to cause carpopedal spasm, in which the hands and feet become claw-like and difficult to move. Symptoms of hyperventilation resolve relatively quickly once the breathing rate returns to normal.

    Hyperventilation is not always an emotional response. People with asthma, exacerbations of COPD, congestive heart failure, and pneumonia also may breathe quickly to help maintain oxygen levels in the bloodstream. Hyperventilation is also present whenever the body becomes acidotic ; the rapid breathing is one correction method that the body uses to regulate its acid-base balance.

    How Can I Beat/reduce Fatigue With Diabetes And Regain My Energy

    Why Can Eating Too Much Sugar Make You Dizzy?

    There are many ways to reduce fatigue with diabetes and regain energy. The most important thing that you can do is to control your blood sugar. This limits complications and also provides your body with the fuel that it needs to operate. You can also eat smart and exercise. Exercise actually decreases fatigue up to 65%. By taking care of yourself, you can decrease fatigue and increase quality of life.

    You shouldnt make any changes to your diet, insulin, or exercise regimen without talking to your doctor. First off, your doctor needs to be consulted and you need to talk with him about the following things:

    • Can my fatigue be caused by another disease? This rules out all other reasons for your fatigue so you can focus on the main cause.
    • Are any of the side effects from my medications causing the fatigue?
    • Is it a good idea for me to start taking supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin B, Calcium, Chromium, Ginseng, Coenzymes, or Magnesium?
    • Is my thyroid okay?
    • What kind of exercises would be best for me?
    • How can I better control my blood sugar to decrease fatigue?
    • What is a healthy weight for me to be?

    Eating too many carbohydrates can cause you to feel drowsy. You should also schedule an appointment to talk with your dietitian or nutritionist to discuss the following things:

    • Would juicing be okay for me?
    • Am I eating too many carbs?
    • How can I improve my diet to decrease my fatigue?

    Other things that you can do to decrease fatigue include:

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    Vasovagal Syncope As A Cause Of Dizziness

    Vasovagal syncope is a common cause of dizziness, lightheadedness, and fainting. The vagus nerve is overstimulated and causes the body’s blood vessels to dilate and the heart to slow down. This anti-adrenaline effect decreases the ability of the heart to pump blood upward toward the brain. Without blood flow, the brain turns off. In Victorian England, young ladies’ sensibilities were easily offended causing a vasovagal episode called a swoon.

    Some people faint at the sight of blood. Some parents faint when their child gets immunized. Some medical students faint at their first autopsy. Many types of emotional and physical stressors can overstimulate the vagus nerve, causing dizziness, lightheadedness, and at times fainting .

    Fainting is not normal. If a person is unconscious, activate the emergency medical system , and seek medical care.

    Heart Conditions Which Cause Dizziness

    The heart is an electrical pump and for it to work, the electrical conduction system must be operating properly to stimulate the heart muscle to squeeze in a coordinated fashion and pump blood to the body. The heart muscle itself must be strong enough to pump blood, and the valves in the heart must work properly to allow blood to flow in the direction intended during contraction.

    • Conduction disturbances: Electrical conduction disturbances may make the heart beat too quickly or too slowly , and either of these situations may result in an inadequate blood supply to the brain, causing dizziness or lightheadedness.
    • Cardiomyopathy: Dizziness is also a symptom of cardiomyopathy , a disease of the heart muscle, resulting in muscle that doesn’t squeeze effectively. Most commonly the weakness is due to atheroscleroticheart disease or ischemic cardiomyopathy , in which the heart muscle itself doesn’t get enough blood supply to work properly. Other non-ischemic cardiomyopathies may be due to diabetes, alcohol use, and viral infections.

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