Saturday, July 27, 2024

Does Donating Blood Lower Blood Sugar

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Tips For Diabetics On How To Prepare To Give Blood

Does Donating Blood Lower Cholesterol

In the days before your donation, strive to keep your sugar level within the normal range as determined by your medical care team. As with all blood donors, we recommend that you hydrate well the days before and after your donation and get plenty of sleep the night before. Find more pre-donation tips here.

Make An Effort To Get Better Sleep

Ever wondered why the blueberry crumb muffins in the coffee shop look even more irresistible when youâre shuffling on three hours of sleep? Poor sleep can affect glucose levels21, insulin sensitivity22, and the hormones that control appetite.

When you donât get enough shut-eye, your cravings and desire to eat now can go into overdrive. Thatâs because leptin reduces and ghrelin increases23, signaling to your brain that you have to eat that blueberry crumb muffin⦠maybe even two of them before you feel satisfied.

You might find it easier to choose the sous-vide egg bites over the tender, berry-studded cake-with-no-icing when youâre well-rested. Even partial sleep loss may increase the risk of weight gain and obesity24, one sugary muffin at a time.

What To Know About Diabetes And Donating Blood

This is important due to our current blood shortage.

Medical News Today

Diabetes can make it difficult for a person to control their blood sugar levels, which are often too high. People with this condition may need to use external sources of insulin to correct these levels. However, people can donate blood if they have diabetes.

Every 2 seconds, someone in the United States needs blood, but supplies are low due to COVID-19.

Although donating blood is possible, people with diabetes will need to consider several important things first, and they will need to monitor their recovery closely.

In this article, we look at how diabetes can affect blood donations and explain the procedure of donating blood.

Can a person with Diabetes donate blood?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , people with diabetes tend to have higher blood sugar levels than normal and often use insulin injections or oral diabetes medications to help balance them.

The National Institutes of Health say that having diabetes should not affect a persons ability to donate blood as long as they are feeling well, and the diabetes is under control.

In some cases, blood donation may actually improve markers of diabetes. A smaller study featuring in Clinical Biochemistry found that males who donated blood had improved glucose tolerance after 3 weeks.

People with diabetes will still need to meet other criteria for donating blood, such as:

Each individual can only donate blood every 56 days.

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Unanswered Questions And Future Research

Most blood donors didnt reach their predonation HbA1c concentration at the end of the study. As the study used a follow-up period of 8 weeks, it is not possible to give an advice on when the HbA1c has returned to its predonation concentration and when it can be reliably used by the general practitioner or internist for treatment evaluation or diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Blood donors are eligible to donate again 8 weeks after the previous donation, with a maximum of 5 times a year for males and 3 times for females. Theoretically this could lead to a sequential reduction of HbA1c resulting in a new steady state which will be lower than the true HbA1c concentration. It should be stressed that reduction of HbA1c due to whole blood donation does not reflect a general decrease in advanced glycation end products and therefore is not associated with a decreased risk of developing complications associated with type 2 diabetes.

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Why Is Blood Sugar High In The Morning?

If youre consistently struggling with high blood glucose, either as a result of insulin resistance like in prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, or due to insufficient insulin production from type 1 diabetes or type 1.5 diabetes, there are some consistent, evidence-based strategies you can implement to help.

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Reported Health Benefits Of Giving Blood

The health benefits of blood donation include lowering your heart rate, your blood pressure, and weight. Some researchers have also found that donating your blood regularly can lower your cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It may seem to be an effective way to lower your lipid levels. After all, when you donate your blood, you are donating the lipids in your blood, too, right?

Should You Stop Your Blood Pressure Medicine On The Day Of Donation

You will need to ask your own doctor whether or not you should take your antihypertensive medications on the day of your donation.

I usually advise people to book an early appointment, and to miss their early morning blood pressure medication. This helps to ensure their donation contains very little of the drug they are taking, and also helps to reduce the chance of developing hypotension and feeling faint or dizzy after donating.

Its then a good idea to monitor your blood pressure throughout the rest of the day and to take your medication if your blood pressure rises above your target readings.

Your own doctor may disagree, based on your past medical history and how well your blood pressure is generally controlled, so please ask their advice first.

And always mention any medication you are taking to the staff at session before you donate.

If your blood pressure is raised, self-monitoring is important to maintain good control.

Image credit: pixabay

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Taking A Zinc Supplement

The daily recommended dose of zinc is 12 mg for women and 15 mg for men. In some cases, your doctor may recommend for you to take more than this daily. Speak with your doctor about adding a zinc supplement to your diabetes care plan. Zinc lozenges, particularly in the form of zinc gluconate, are a good source of zinc because they are readily absorbable.

Which Is More Important To Donate Blood Or Plasma

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Anyone can donate plasma, but most people make better whole blood donors. … Doctors use plasma, an essential building block in blood clotting, for hemophilia emergencies, accidents or surgery involving severe bleeding, and cases of liver failure. Even during times of unprecedented donation, blood is at a premium.

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Effect Of Whole Blood Donation On Hba1c

Previously, the biological variation of HbA1c in 20 non-blood donating volunteers during a 2 month period was determined . Calculations using data in SI units from that study showed that the biological variation in HbA1c varied in both positive and negative direction from baseline with three volunteers exceeding the RCV ) .

Percentage HbA1c reduction from baseline during 8 weeks post whole blood donation.

Data is shown as box plots each representing one individual. Horizontal dotted lines represent the RCV calculated for SI units. Box plots exceeding the RCV represent a significant change or reduction in HbA1c concentration. A: Control group of 20 non-diabetic volunteers not donating whole blood.9 B: 23 non-diabetic blood donors after 475 mL whole blood donation. C: 17 blood donors with type 2 diabetes after 475 mL whole blood donation. D: 17 blood donors with type 2 diabetes after 475 mL whole blood donation represented in DCCT units. E: 4 blood donors with type 2 diabetes with an increase in HbA1c after 475 mL whole blood donation which were excluded from further analysis.

A Happier Longer Life

One blood donation can save up to three lives, according to Dr. DeSimone. People usually donate because it feels good to help others, and altruism and volunteering have been linked to positive health outcomes, including a lower risk for depression and greater longevity.

Giving blood is a way to engage in the immediate community and help people around you, Dr. Vossoughi adds. People who do these types of things and engage in their community in this way tend to have better health and longer lives.

It is also a way to feel that you have positively helped during the COVID-19 crisis. Donating blood is safe if you have had the COVID-19 vaccine. It is also safe if you have had COVID-19, though you must be symptom-free for two weeks and have not had a positive diagnostic test for COVID-19 in the last 14 days, Dr. DeSimone says. If you have any COVID-19 symptoms like a fever or cough, do not give blood. Donating blood is safe as donors are socially-distanced and required to wear a face mask covering their nose and mouth, regardless of vaccination status.

Creating moments of kindness during a time of need does wonders for your mental health and feeling of well-being, Dr. DeSimone says.

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Q4 Does Donating Blood Clean Your System

Donating blood helps in reducing the harmful iron deposits in the body and prevents hemochromatosis. Regularly donating blood helps in keeping a check on the bodys iron stores, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack. After blood donation, the body replaces the blood volume within 48 hours, which helps it to become healthier and work more efficiently. Also, according to Mental Health Foundation, donating blood improves mental health by reducing stress, enhancing the emotional wellbeing, minimizing negative thoughts and infusing a sense of belongingness by helping others in need.

If Youve Ever Taken Bovine Insulin

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While todays modern insulins are all acceptable, a specific type of older insulin will automatically exclude you.

Donors with diabetes who since 1980, ever used bovine insulin made from cattle from the United Kingdom are not eligible to donate, explains the American Red Cross.

The concern with bovine insulin is about a CJD variant and mad cow disease.

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Can Vitamin C Help Type 2 Diabetes

Could vitamin C help people with type 2 diabetes? A small study suggests it might, but thereâs more to the story. Find out more.

Vitamin C could help those with type 2 diabetes, multiple media reports suggest but as always, theres more to the story.

The media reports are based on a recent but very small study which was led by researchers from Deakin University and published in the journal, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.

The study found that people with type 2 diabetes who took a vitamin C supplement for 4 months had lower post-meal blood sugar levels, compared with those taking a placebo for the same length of time.

Myths And Facts About Donating Blood


Thought of as a selfless act, donating blood is a noble cause indeed. And yet very few of us take the time out to donate blood at blood donation drives or attend blood donor awareness campaigns.

From blood donation causes weakness to the threat of catching diseases, several myths about blood donations abound. Today, Dr. Rani Prem Kumar, Consultant, Blood Bank at Moolchand Medcity, helps clear the air and tells us which myths and facts about donating blood are true, and which false.

Myth: Donating blood makes me feel low.Fact: False. However, many people feel that donating blood makes them feel weak. Again, this isnt true. The thread of truth here arises from the fact that it takes a day or two to replenish the fluid volume in the body and three months for the regeneration of red cells to donate more blood.

Myth: One is advised to take complete rest for a day after donating blood.Fact: False. One can easily resume his or her normal day-to-day routine after donating blood, but should take care of the following:

– Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water including juices within 24 hours following blood donation.

Myth: Blood donation is a painful procedure.Fact: False. Donating blood is not painful at all. One only feels a slight pinching sensation when the needle pricks the arms.Myth: I should not donate blood frequently it will make my body weak.

Fact: Myth: Can donating blood make me feel stressed with episodes of severe headache and vomiting?Fact: Fact: Fact:

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Your Heart Must Be Stable

If youre on a pacemaker or have a heart condition related to diabetes, you must have no heart concerns in the six months prior to having your blood donated. Your heart rate must be normal, and your blood pressure should be under control.

On the day of blood donation, your heart rate and blood pressure will be checked to ensure your safety as a blood donor. Avoid heavy exercise just before your donation time to ensure the most accurate results. If youve had heart palpitations, changes in heart medications, or other recent heart complications, do not donate blood until you have these symptoms under control. Talk to your doctor about addressing these concerning symptoms.

Hba1c Dynamics After Whole Blood Donation

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The above presented data showed that whole blood donation resulted in a significant reduction in HbA1c concentration in more than 50% of the blood donors with a maximum between -9.6% and -16.3% depending on the method used. Knowledge of the time points of maximum HbA1c reduction and normalization are essential for diabetes care. In general, a larger maximum reduction in HbA1c was seen in the last weeks of the study, while a smaller maximum reduction in HbA1c was seen in the first weeks post donation .

Dynamics of HbA1c during 8 weeks post whole blood donation .

Horizontal dotted lines represent the Tosoh G8 one-tailed RCV calculated for SI units. A: 23 non-diabetic blood donors after 475 mL whole blood donation. A low maximum % reduction in HbA1c correlated with an early time point in the study, a high maximum % reduction in HbA1c correlated with a late time point . B: Individual changes of HbA1c in 23 non-diabetic blood donors. The orange lines represent non-diabetic blood donors with low ferritin . C: 17 blood donors with type 2 diabetes after 475 mL whole blood donation. A low maximum % reduction in HbA1c correlated with an early time point in the study, a high maximum % reduction in HbA1c correlated with a late time point . D: Individual changes of HbA1c in 17 blood donors with type 2 diabetes. The orange lines represent blood donors with type 2 diabetes with low ferritin .

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Zinc For The Prevention Of Diabetes

Because zinc deficiency is associated with prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, researchers want to know, can zinc help prevent the onset of diabetes? Although more studies are needed to know for sure, preliminary research suggests that it can . In one study following 82,297 women across 24 years, those who had higher zinc intakes had a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Another study in 2013 found the same higher zinc intake was associated with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes in middle-aged women.

When To Avoid Exercise

People with blood sugar levels above 240 mg/dL should check their urine for ketones before engaging in physical activity. If ketones are present, do not exercise. Ketones are the result of stored fat being broken down for energy. Your liver starts breaking down fat when theres not enough insulin in your bloodstream to absorb blood sugar into cells. When too many ketones are quickly produced, they can cause DKA. In this state, ketones may actually make your blood sugar level go even higher and you may need intravenous fluids to rebalance.

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Q7 Can A Diabetic Donate Blood

Diabetics on insulin are advised to not give blood, but diabetic patients without any complications from diabetes are allowed to donate blood. In case your blood glucose level is within range, you can go for blood donation. But, In case of any kidney related problems, eye or blood vessel related problem, you may not be allowed to donate blood.

Is It Safe To Donate Blood If You Have Diabetes

Guide to donating blood: Complete guide on the benefits ...

Did you know that someone in the US will need a platelet or blood donation every two seconds? And an estimated five million people will need blood transfusions every year? Thatâs a lot of blood! Donating blood is a fantastic way to positively impact someone elseâs life, and according to the American Red Cross, you can help save as many as three lives with a single donation. So itâs a pretty good idea to consider becoming a blood donor.

If youâd like to donate blood but have diabetes, you may be wondering if itâs safe to do so. Because diabetes affects your blood sugar levels, you may think that itâs likely safer not to, but that may not be true. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements, manage your condition, and live a healthy lifestyle, thereâs no reason not to donate blood.

Even though itâs safe to donate blood with diabetes, you should know a few things about blood donation and blood glucose levels before visiting a donation center or blood bank. Remember that while donating blood isnât unsafe, itâs a good idea to pay close attention to your blood glucose levels as you recover from your donation. If you have any changes in glucose values or have symptoms , consult with a doctor. Read on to learn more about donating blood with diabetes and what precautions you can take before and after your donation to ensure youâre doing so safely.

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Can A Diabetic Person Donate Blood

It is generally safe for people with diabetes to donate blood under normal health conditions. People with diabetes can donate blood, as long as they maintain healthy blood sugar levels at the time of blood donation, according to Dr Sanjay Reddy, Consultant Diabetologist, Fortis Hospital at Cunningham Road, Bangalore.

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