Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Sugar Good For Cancer Patients

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A Note About Agave And Sugar Alcohols

Oncology Nutrition Classes for Cancer Patients and Care Partners: Sugar & Cancer

Both agave and sugar alcohols like xylitol have been praised for being natural sweeteners and many health care providers are recommending them because they are low on the glycemic index. First of all, they are anything but natural. Secondly, they are quite toxic to the body.

Ever since the 1950s, researchers have known that xylitol:

  • Cannot be properly metabolized by humans.
  • Causes digestive issues like gas, bloating and diarrhea.
  • Gets stored in the liver, which can contribute to long-term liver damage.

Agave is even worse. A great explanation came from a recent Dr. Oz article where the famed medical celebrity retracted his opinion of agave.

After careful consideration of the available research, today Im asking you to eliminate agave from your kitchen and your diet. Heres why:

We used to think that because agave has a low-glycemic index and doesnt spike your blood sugar like regular sugar does, it would be a good alternative for diabetics. But it turns out that although agave doesnt contain a lot of glucose, it contains more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high-fructose corn syrup.

When it comes to sweeteners, let common sense be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick with stevia, raw honey, and maple syrup these three have been tested by both time and science to not only satisfy your sweet tooth but are also healing and abundantly life-giving.

Top 3 Natural Sweeteners For Health And Cancer Prevention

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Americans spend more on health care and supplements than any other country, yet our health and our health care system both rank at the bottom of virtually every study and survey today.

As we bathe ourselves in coconut and fish oils and take every supplementA product, generally taken orally, that contains one or more ingredients that are intended to supplement one’s diet and are not considered food. under the sun, most people are coming to the realization that a cure-all doesn’t really exist.

However , if a panacea does exist, it would be completely omitting sugar from our diets.

Natural Sweeteners Safe To Enjoy

Thankfully, natural sweeteners abound and kicking the habit can be a cinch if you use these three instead of sugar.

  • Stevia By far the healthiest and sweetest natural sweetener, stevia is an herb that has been shown to help reverse diabetes and obesity. Stevia is the best natural sweetener for two reasons:
  • It is a natural plant that has powerful healing properties.
  • It has no calories and virtually 0 glycemic index, and when it is used instead of sugar , blood glucoseA type of sugar the chief source of energy for living organisms. levels are not affected
  • Of the 350 scientific articles referencing stevia, we are starting to see that stevia can help with more than diabetes and obesity. The Nutrition and Cancer Journal, for example, recently published a groundbreaking study showing how stevia can actually help prevent and kill breast cancer. Time will tell how truly effective this wonderfully sweet herb can be for our health and wellness.

  • Raw honey Ranking No. 2, most raw, unfiltered honey is a rich source of:
    • Amino acids
    • Sodium
    • Zinc

    This cornucopia of nutrition has made honey an extremely effective wound healer. Honey has also been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome, acne, eczema, MRSA, tooth decay and a slew of other disorders.

    Taking just one teaspoon of local raw honey has been shown to enhance immune function by building a tolerance to local pollen.

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    Carbohydrates Raise Insulin Levels Could Abnormal Levels Of Insulin Lead To Cancer

    Insulins job is to tell the cells in our body, Hey! Theres a lot of glucose. We should use it. Therefore, if we could get people to produce less insulin, they might do better. But the real root problem of the worldwide obesity epidemic and cancer as a result of obesity has to do with too much caloric intake. It has little to do with abnormal insulin signaling.

    Natural Sugars That Are Safe For Cancer Patients

    Natural Sugars That Are Safe for Cancer Patients ...

    If you are battling cancer, the healthiest option is to limit your intake of conventional sugar or sugar substitutes. This is not to say that you must eat bland food, either, because some natural sweeteners are actually healthy for you. Refined sugars or an excess of certain unrefined sugars may oxidize your body, which is not good if you are healing from cancer, so, if you must eat it, use it sparingly.

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    Should I Juice My Vegetables And Fruits

    Juicing can add variety to your diet and can be a good way to get vegetables and fruits, especially if you have trouble chewing or swallowing. Juicing also helps the body absorb some of the nutrients in vegetables and fruits. But juices may be less filling than whole vegetables and fruits, and they contain less fiber. Drinking a lot of fruit juice can also add extra calories and simple sugars to a persons diet.

    Buy juice products that are 100% vegetable or fruit juices and pasteurized to remove harmful germs. These are better for everyone but are especially important for people who may have weak immune systems, such as those getting chemotherapy.

    Should I Avoid Alcohol During Cancer Treatment

    For people getting treated for cancer, the cancer type and stage , as well as the type of treatment matter when deciding whether it’s OK to drink alcohol during treatment. Many of the drugs used to treat cancer are broken down by the liver, and alcohol, by causing liver inflammation, could slow drug breakdown, increasing side effects. Its a good idea to avoid or limit alcohol during treatment to prevent interactions with the drugs used to treat cancer.

    Alcohol, even in the small amounts used in mouthwashes, can irritate mouth sores and even make them worse. If you have mouth sores, you may be advised to avoid or limit alcohol. It may also be best to avoid or limit alcohol if you are starting treatment that will put you at risk for mouth sores, such as head and neck radiation or many types of chemotherapy.

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    What Is The Association Between Diabetes And Cancer

    Diabetes is a global epidemic with over 30 million Americans and over 400 million people globally affected by this disease. As per the world health organization, the prevalence of diabetes is increasing more rapidly in low to middle-income countries, this trend being linked to unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity and obesity. There have been multiple studies and meta-analysis that showed a strong correlation between diabetes and increased risk of cancer, but it has always been unclear as to why exactly this is the case. Dr. John Termini and his team from City of Hope, a cancer research institute in California, explored this association and was able to link hyperglycemia to DNA damage, a key cause of developing mutations that can lead to cancer. Dr Termini presented his findings last year in the 2019 American Chemical Society National meeting.

    Does Alcohol Increase The Risk Of Cancer Recurrence

    Fruit Smoothies: Too Much Sugar (For Cancer Patients)?

    Studies suggest that drinking alcohol may increase the risk of dying for survivors of head and neck, laryngeal , pharyngeal , and liver cancer so it may be best for survivors of those cancers to avoid alcohol. There isnt enough information at this time to know if drinking alcohol raises the risk of recurrence for other cancer types.

    However, cancer survivors are encouraged to make lifestyle changes to decrease their risk of developing a second cancer. Studies have found a link between alcohol intake and the risk of getting a number of cancers, such as cancer of themouth, throat ,voice box , esophagus, liver, colon and rectum, and breast. Alcohol use may also be linked to lung and stomach cancer. For these cancers, it is best to avoid or limit alcohol intake.

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    Association Of Consumption Of Sugary Drinks With Breast Cancer Risk

    A recent meta-analysis used data from the French NutriNet-Santé cohort Study which included 1,01,257 participants aged 18 and over. The study evaluated the association between consumption of sugary drinks such as sugar sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juices, and artificially sweetened beverages and cancer based on a questionnaire based data.

    The study suggested that those who had an increased consumption of sugary drinks were 18% more likely to develop overall cancer and 22% more likely to develop breast cancer compared those who did not or seldom consume sugary drinks. However, the researchers suggested more well designed prospective studies to establish this association.

    A similar study was conducted which evaluated data from 10,713 middle-aged, Spanish females from the Seguimiento Universidad de Navarra cohort study with an average age of 33 years, who didnt have a history of breast cancer. The study evaluated the association between consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages and incidence of breast cancer. After a mean follow up of 10 years, 100 breast cancer incidences were reported.

    Should I Exercise During Cancer Treatment And Recovery

    Research strongly suggests that exercise is not only safe during cancer treatment, but it can also improve physical functioning and many aspects of quality of life. Moderate exercise has been shown to improve cancer-related symptoms and side effects, such as fatigue , anxiety, depression and sleep. It also helps heart and blood vessel fitness, muscle strength, and body composition .

    People getting chemotherapy and radiation who already exercise may need to do so at a lower intensity and build up more slowly than people who are not getting cancer treatment. The main goal should be to stay as active as possible and slowly increase your level of activity over time after treatment.

    Check with your cancer care team before starting any new physical activity or exercise plan to be sure you are being safe and following recommendations.

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    Where Does The Idea That Cancer Is Addicted To Sugar Come From

    About 90 years ago, a German scientist named Otto Warburg noticed that tumor cells in a dish tended to consume more glucose than non-dividing normal tissues. He also noticed that although the cancer cells were consuming massive amounts of glucose, they werent taking advantage of the most efficient method of harvesting energy from that glucose, which is to essentially burn it using oxygen in the mitochondria. Instead, they converted the glucose to lactate, leaving much of the energy untapped. This has come to be known as the Warburg effect or Warburg metabolism.

    Warburg assumed that cancer cells must have a defect in their mitochondria, because why else would they resort to this inefficient method of obtaining energy? But we now know that Warburg was wrong. Tumor cells possess functional mitochondria and rely on them for energy in some situations.

    Jello Good Or Bad For Cancer Patients

    Is Sugar Bad for Cancer Patients?
    • #1 11-13-2003 12:58 PM by HappySeniorIs jello good or bad for cancer bpatients and why?
    • #2 11-13-2003 09:06 PM by HappySeniorQuote:Originally Posted by Elizabeth2ndIve never heard of Jello being good for anything.If I had cancer I would do a detox, take lots of minerals, see a herb doc or homeopath and change my diet. Leave the Jello on the grocery shelf where it belongs. LizThanks for your reply Liz. I personally dont eat it, but someone had asked me the question so I posted it.Thanks again.
    • #3 11-14-2003 01:29 PM by RageOfAngelsThis is an easy one to answer. The jello is bad for cancer patients because it is mostly composed of white sugar and artifucial chemicals .
    • #4 11-14-2003 06:11 PM by HappySeniorQuote:Originally Posted by RageOfAngelsThis is an easy one to answer. The jello is bad for cancer patients because it is mostly composed of white sugar and artifucial chemicals .Thanks Rage, since I posted the question, I found out a lot of bad about jello.And to think that they almost force feed it to you in the hospital….
    • #5 11-14-2003 08:31 PM by HappySeniorQuote:Originally Posted by Elizabeth2ndYes they do, only because its the cheapest stuff they can offer, and it offers absolulely no nutrition.Liz

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    Where Did The Idea That Sugar Causes Cancer Come From

    When we eat food containing carbohydrates, including foods that contain sugar, our body breaks it down into glucose. That glucose then fuels our cells to make the energy we need to survive. This process is called metabolism.

    Normal cells and cancer cells both use glucose for energy. Scientists know that cancer cells metabolize glucose faster than normal cells. Its part of something called the Warburg Effect, named after the German scientist Otto Warburg, who studied cancer in the early 20th century.

    The Warburg Effect even has a practical application in diagnosing cancer. In an imaging test called a positron emission tomography scan, doctors inject radioactive glucose into the bloodstream. Since cancer cells metabolize glucose at a faster rate, the PET scan lights up the location of cancer cells and tumors in your body. Doctors can use the image to find cancer or evaluate how well cancer treatments are working.

    Today, some scientists are working on treatments to destroy cancer cells by starving them of glucose. They hope to alter genes that affect the cancer cells metabolism or develop drugs that would target cancer cells metabolism.

    Myth Or Fact: Does Sugar Feed Cancer Cells

    The relationship between sugar and cancer has been the subject of public debate for decades. If you or a loved one are facing cancer, its likely a question youve considered as well.

    The truth is blood sugar, also known as glucose, feeds all your cells, including cancer cells. Because many healthy foods with cancer-fighting and immune-boosting nutrients contain sugar, cutting out all sources of sugar isnt the best solution. Luckily, there is a lot you can do with your diet and lifestyle to prevent cancer and support treatment, says Lynne Groeger, M.S., R.D., C.S.O., Registered Dietitian specializing in oncology nutrition with Riverside Cancer Care Center.

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    What Happens If We Eliminate Sugar

    “Stopping sugar getting to cancer cells would also mean that your body’s healthy cells get starved of necessary sugars,” says the CEO of Cancer Council Australia, Professor Sanchia Aranda.

    “I think that would make you lose weight, would make your immune system less efficient and more likely that a cancer would progress.”

    What’s more, our bodies are clever they have other ways of getting glucose.

    Even if you do try and cut it out, the body will just convert fat and protein stores into glucose where necessary.

    The Sugar And Cancer Connection

    Sugar Free: Should Cancer Patients (And Survivors) Be Sugar Free?

    According to the research, increased risk of cancer is not seen with sugar intake. Instead, cancer risk may be related to how your body responds to sugar. If you eat sugar rich foods all by themselves, especially if you are insulin-resistant, there is a greater spike in your blood sugars. This spikes results in an increased release of insulin-like growth factor , which has been shown to help cancer cells grow. If blood glucose levels are better controlled, less IGF is released which likely will decrease cancer growth.

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    Do Vegetarian Diets Reduce The Risk Of Cancer Coming Back

    No strong evidence has shown that vegetarian diets help reduce the risk of cancer coming back when compared to a diet that is high in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and contains small amounts of meat and fish. But vegetarian diets can be good for you because they tend to be low in saturated fat and high in fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals.

    The American Cancer Society Guideline for Diet and Physical Activity for Cancer Prevention defines a healthy, cancer-preventive diet as one that is diet rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains and limits or does not include red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, highly processed foods and refined grain products. Several eating patterns can meet this definition, including the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet and vegetarian diets.

    Understanding What A Cancer Diet Is

    Cancer is caused by microbes inside the cancer cells. These microbes love sugar and dairy products.

    With regards to cancer treatment, every food that we eat or drink can be categorized into categories:

    • Foods that feed and strengthen the cancer cells and/or the microbes in the cancer cells and body. Examples would be refined sugar, refined flour, soda pop, dairy products, etc.
    • Foods that cause cancer
    • Foods that directly interfere with alternative treatments for cancer
    • Foods that occupy and distract the immune system from focusing on killing the cancer cells
    • Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat cancer

    In addition, there are things like cooking vegetables. The cooking destroys the enzymes in the vegetables and makes them far less digestible and far less effective in treating cancer. Pasteurizing any food or drink also does this.

    Ideally during cancer treatment, if foods are allowed on a particular diet, 100 percent of everything you eat should be in the category of Foods that contain nutrients that kill the cancer cells, stop the spread of cancer, or in some other way help treat cancer. Whenever you eat food that is not in that category, you are interfering with your cancer treatment. This is why so many cancer diets are very high in raw vegetables and raw fruits.

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    No Detox On Chemo / Radiation

    If people are still doing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, they cannot do a detox, Seeger cautions. If youre on a program where you’re doing chemo or radiation, the doctor has a specific protocol, they have a very specific protocol for the stage of cancer and your situation and what you’re going through.

    So they’ll say, Well, maybe you need like 12 treatments, but they’re checking you. As theyre checking you theyre looking at their numbers and their numbers are skewed. They’re not getting the typical results theyre used to and you have not told them that you’ve detoxed. This is not a good thing.

    Plus, it also weakens your immune system more if you’re doing a detox, she adds. Yes, it’s pulling out the toxins, but your immune system is already taking a hit. What I tell people on detox and radiation for example is, Look, focus 100 percent on your immune system. Build it up, build it up, build it up with supplements and foods and therapies and focus on every single day building up your immune system during your chemo and radiation. Then, when you’re all done with the treatment go into the detox.

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