Saturday, May 18, 2024

Can Low Blood Sugar Cause Shaking

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Nighttime Low Blood Sugars

Attention! Shaky Hands Before Eating Might Signal Diabetes Low Blood Sugar

You may experience a low blood sugar night. The low blood sugar might wake you up and your symptoms might be similar to those you have during the day. However, the symptoms may be different. You might have nightmares, sleep poorly, perspire, or feel hot and cold. In the morning you may have a headache, feel nauseated, or feel confused. Notify your doctor if this happens. Check your blood sugar at the time you have the symptoms.

Treatment for a low blood sugar that occurs at night is the same as described earlier.

Your doctor may request that you check a 3:00 a.m. blood sugar 1 to 2 times per week in order to detect any low blood sugars during the night.

Disclaimer: This content is reviewed periodically and is subject to change as new health information becomes available. The information provided is intended to be informative and educational and is not a replacement for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis or treatment by a health care professional.

Treating Mild To Moderate Hypoglycemia

If you start feeling any of the symptoms listed above, check your blood sugar as soon as possible, then follow the chart below to treat low blood sugar. If you have any concerns, or cant test immediately, its best to treat first and check when possible.

If your blood sugar is

Eat this

What to do next

51 to 70 mg/dL

10 to 15 grams of fast-acting carbs, such as 4 ounces of fruit juice, 6 to 8 hard candies, or 3 to 4 glucose tablets.

Test your blood sugar again in 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment if necessary.

Under 50 mg/dL

Eat 20 to 30 grams of fast-acting carbs, such as 8 ounces of fruit juice, 12 to 16 hard candies, or 6 to 8 glucose tablets.

Test your blood sugar again in 15 minutes. Repeat the treatment if necessary.

Does Low Blood Sugar Make You Shake Dizzy And Nauseous

Low blood sugar /glucose can generate a number of signs and symptoms. But does it make you nauseous, dizzy, or shake? If so, how do these symptoms occur in hypoglycemia and why? The answer probably is due to the low volume of glucose itself on the bloodstream.

As well we know, the body needs to get a plenty of energy to keep survive. Almost nutrients from foods can give us energy. But glucose has much more contribution than others since it is the most primary component to make energy.

And too low amount of glucose in the blood can be a serious alarm for the fuel of your energy supply.

When you are very being hungry or when exercising without eating enough beforehand, you are likely to feel some uncomfortable symptoms such as nauseous, headache /dizzy, shakiness, and even probably vomiting.

This is perfectly normal because anyone can have them from those situations, therefore dont worry. In such case, the symptoms will go away once the balance of your blood sugar returns.

But in diabetics, this could be more challenging. See here about best foods to eat before exercise if you have diabetes!

Sometimes too low blood sugar would make you shake. Though it is not a specific symptom of hypoglycemia, it is pretty common in people with hypoglycemia.

Hypoglycemia can affect all diabetics. But it is relatively more common in type-1 than in type-2 diabetes.

Furthermore, your shakiness may also be followed with feeling faint and sweating.

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What To Eat When You Have Low Blood Sugar

When your blood sugar dips, it can leave you feeling hungry, shaky, and lightheaded. This can happen to anyone who hasnt eaten in several hours. When blood sugar drops below normal levels, its called hypoglycemia. In people with diabetes, hypoglycemia can be a life-threatening complication of medication, other health problems like infection, or inadequate caloric intake.

You can lower your chances of low blood sugarand treat it when it occurswith some simple steps.

How Can I Prevent Hypoglycemic Episodes

Hypoglycemia low blood sugar symptoms

The key to preventing hypoglycemic events is managing diabetes:

  • Follow your healthcare providers instructions about food and exercise.
  • Track your blood sugar regularly, including before and after meals, before and after exercise and before bed.
  • Take all your medications exactly as prescribed.
  • When you do have a hypoglycemic event, write it down. Include details such as the time, what you ate recently, whether you exercised, the symptoms and your glucose level.

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Putting A Stop To Diabetes Tremors

If you experience tremors related to your type 2 diabetes, it is very important that you find a treatment option to manage your disease more effectively 2. Balancing out low blood-sugar levels involves taking glucose into your body as fast as possible. This is usually done by drinking a soda, taking a glucose tablet or drinking orange juice. If you’re in dire straights, though, and need to get your blood sugar under control, anything sweet will do. Getting it into the body as quickly as possible is what’s important.

  • If you experience tremors related to your type 2 diabetes, it is very important that you find a treatment option to manage your disease more effectively 2.
  • Balancing out low blood-sugar levels involves taking glucose into your body as fast as possible.

Does Diabetes Cause Tremors

Diabetes is a serious condition that is indicated by numerous symptoms 2.In fact, adult-onset type 2 diabetes can be very dangerous if not managed properly and can result in complications that range from being thirsty all the time to passing out 2.But symptoms can be even more serious diabetes can also cause tremors 2.

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You’re Extra Irritated And Angry

Is your level of frustration a 20 out of 10? Angry and anxious for no obvious reason? It could be hypoglycemia. The most common mood changes are being belligerent and argumentative, says Dr. Wyne. Or it could be more subtle in just refusing to discuss something or not agreeing to something that is normally acceptable to you, she says. If your partner tells you youre crankier than usual, take note. Personality changes like Bettys a major sign of hypoglycemia, agrees Zappe.

Preventing Low Blood Sugar Levels

Is a yeast overgrowth making you weak and tired?

Remember: You can’t turn off the action of insulin once it’s been injected. So to avoid low blood sugar episodes, insulin doses need to be matched to your child’s needs each day taking meals, exercise, and other things into consideration.

More tips to help avoid low blood sugar levels:

  • Give your child the correct dose and type of insulin at the right time in the appropriate injection site.
  • Check your child’s blood sugar regularly and whenever necessary to confirm that symptoms are due to hypoglycemia.
  • Your child shouldn’t take baths or hot showers right after an insulin shot.
  • Check blood glucose levels before and during exercise and make sure your child eats snacks as needed to keep or bring blood sugar levels into target range.
  • Make sure your child follows the suggested timing of meals, injections, and exercise, based on the diabetes management plan.
  • Your child should keep something containing sugar with him or her at all times and take it right away if symptoms of low blood sugar appear.

No matter how careful parents and children are, kids with diabetes at some point will have episodes of low blood sugar. So they should always wear and/or carry some sort of medical identification . Besides identifying your child as having diabetes, this can provide emergency contact information.

If you have any questions about how to prevent or treat low blood sugar levels, call your child’s doctor or diabetes health care team.

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What Causes A Low Blood Sugar Level

In people with diabetes, the main causes of a low blood sugar level are:

  • the effects of medicine especially taking too much insulin, medicines called sulfonylureas , medicines called glinides , or some antiviral medicines to treat hepatitis C
  • skipping or delaying a meal
  • not eating enough carbohydrate foods in your last meal, such as bread, cereals, pasta, potatoes and fruit
  • exercise, especially if it’s intense or unplanned
  • drinking alcohol

Sometimes there’s no obvious reason why a low blood sugar level happens.

Very occasionally, it can happen in people who do not have diabetes.

Dealing With An Episode

The symptoms of reactive hypoglycemia can be mitigated by taking certain steps to return blood glucose levels to normal:

First, follow the “15-15 Rule,” which involves eating 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates and checking your blood sugar after 15 minutes. If its still below 70 mg/dL, have another serving.

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Learn More About Blood Glucose Management> >

When a persons blood glucose level begins to drop, his body starts a series of reactions intended to raise its blood glucose level. Hormones are produced that cause the release of stored glucose from the liver. These hormones also produce some of the symptoms typically associated with hypoglycemia, such as trembling. If the body cannot reverse the low blood glucose on its own and the person does not recognize the symptoms of low blood glucose and does not consume some carbohydrate, the blood glucose level will drop further. If it goes low enough, a person may become confused or even pass out.

Health-care providers often recommend treating for hypoglycemia if blood glucose is below 70 mg/dl. Treatment generally involves consuming 15 grams of carbohydrate , waiting about 15 minutes, then checking your blood glucose level with your meter to see if it has risen to a safe level. Some experts also recommend checking blood glucose levels again an hour after the last treatment to see whether additional food is necessary.

What If The 15

Low Blood Sugar

If you dont feel better after three tries, or if your symptoms get worse, call your healthcare provider or 911. Healthcare providers can use a medication called glucagon. They inject it with a needle or squirt it up your nose. Glucagon is also available for home use. Your healthcare provider can prescribe it and teach a family member or friend how to use it in the event of severe hypoglycemia.

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How To Treat A Low Blood Sugar Level Yourself

Follow these steps if your blood sugar level is less than 4mmol/L or you have hypo symptoms:

  • Have a sugary drink or snack like a small glass of fizzy drink or fruit juice, a small handful of sweets, 3 or 6 glucose tablets or 1 to 2 tubes of glucose gel.
  • Test your blood sugar after 10 to 15 minutes if it’s improved and you feel better, move on to step 3. If there’s little or no change, treat again with a sugary drink or snack and take another reading after 10 to 15 minutes.
  • You may need to eat your main meal if it’s the right time to have it. Or, have a snack that contains a slow-release carbohydrate, such as a slice of bread or toast, a couple of biscuits, or a glass of cows’ milk.
  • You do not usually need to get medical help once you’re feeling better if you only have a few hypos.

    But tell your diabetes team if you keep having hypos or if you stop having symptoms when your blood sugar level is low.

    How Do I Treat Low Blood Glucose

    If you begin to feel one or more symptoms of low blood glucose, check your blood glucose level. If your blood glucose level is below your target or less than 70 mg/dL, follow these steps

  • Eat or drink 15 to 20 grams of glucose or carbohydrates right away. Examples include
  • four glucose tablets or one tube of glucose gel.
  • 1/2 cup of fruit juicenot low-calorie or reduced-sugar juice. If you have kidney disease, dont drink orange juice because it has a lot of potassium. Apple, grape, or cranberry juice are good options.
  • 1/2 can of sodanot low-calorie or reduced-sugar soda.
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar, honey, or corn syrup.
  • Wait 15 minutes and check your blood glucose level again. If your glucose level is still low, eat or drink another 15 to 20 grams of glucose or carbohydrates.
  • Check your blood glucose level again after another 15 minutes. Repeat these steps until your glucose level is back to your target range.
  • If your next meal is more than 1 hour away, have a snack to keep your blood glucose level within a range that is healthy for you. Try crackers or a piece of fruit.
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    More Serious Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

    The milder symptoms may pass people by, and they may not notice them or they may not experience them at all. However, there are several symptoms that indicate your type 2 diabetes has progressed and could pose an acute health threat 2. These symptoms include being slow to heal, especially in your extremities changes in the skin, where it takes on a darkened and thickened appearance in the armpits, groin and even the neck and itchiness of the skin. Sufferers can have frequent yeast infections and become impotent. Vision can become impaired and you may notice numbness in your hands or feet. Lastly, weight gain, specifically, a look of bloating, is common in serious cases of type 2 diabetes 2.

    What You Can Do

    Do shivering, leg pain, cramps, coughing & sweating indicates Hypoglycemia? – Dr. Mahesh DM

    Most of the sugar or glucose in your blood comes from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the sugars and starches in grains, beans, vegetables, fruit, milk and milk products, honey, and sugar. If you dont have diabetes and youre feeling the unpleasant effects of a drop in blood sugar, eat or drink something with carbohydrates. Good choices are a piece of fruit, a few whole wheat crackers, a glass of milk, or a carton of yogurt.

    In people with diabetes, hypoglycemia can come on suddenly and needs to be treated right away so it doesnt get worse. Eat or drink a quickly digested carbohydrate food, such as:

    • ½ cup fruit juice

    • ½ cup of a regular soft drink

    • 1 cup of milk

    • 5 or 6 hard candies

    • 4 or 5 saltine crackers

    • 2 tablespoons of raisins

    • 3 to 4 teaspoons of sugar or honey

    • 3 or 4 glucose tablets or a serving of glucose gel

    Each of these choices provides about 15 grams of carbohydrate. Wait for 15 or 20 minutes, then check your blood sugar with a blood glucose meter. If your blood sugar is still low, have another portion of carbohydrates.

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    You Feel Super Hungry

    Some people call it hangrythat intense hunger with low blood sugar that makes you feel a bit crazed. Ginger Vieira, 33, who has type 1 diabetes, says severe lows can make you want to eat everything in sight. The reason? Counter-regulatory hormones known as glucagon, cortisol, and adrenaline, says Siripoom McKay, M.D., assistant professor of pediatrics, diabetes and endocrinology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX. When you’re hypoglycemic, these chemicals surge to counteract insulin and get your blood sugar back up. In the meantime, they can make you feel like youll starve if you dont eat all the foodimmediately.

    Treating Low Blood Glucose If You Take Medicines That Slow Down Digestion

    Some diabetes medicines slow down the digestion of carbohydrates to keep blood glucose levels from rising too high after you eat. If you develop low blood glucose while taking these medicines, you will need to take glucose tablets or glucose gel right away. Eating or drinking other sources of carbohydrates wont raise your blood glucose level quickly enough.

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    Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar

    Blood sugar, also called glucose, is the body’s main source of energy, per the Mayo Clinic 1. The body gets most of its glucose by metabolizing the carbohydrates in food.

    The hormone insulin helps move glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells, thereby lowering blood sugar levels. But if blood sugar levels drop too far, hypoglycemia may result 1.

    According to the American Diabetes Association , common symptoms of low blood sugar include 12:

    • Hunger
    • Nausea
    • Fatigue

    Samar Hafida, MD, an endocrinologist at Harvard’s Joslin Diabetes Center, spoke with about why the symptoms of hypoglycemia occur 1. “The brain needs glucose to function,” she says. “If blood sugar levels are less than 60 to 70 milligrams per deciliter, the brain starts to panic. It sends many signals to many parts of the body in a fight-or-flight response. This sympathetic activity, which manifests as hunger, nausea, shaky, sweating and weakness. All of these symptoms drive a person to go eat something” thereby bringing blood sugar levels back up.

    However, unless a person has a serious illness or is taking certain kinds of medications , says Hafida, they can feel the symptoms of hypoglycemia even when their blood sugar level is still within the normal range 12. This is because the body has a number of strong defense mechanisms in place to prevent serious hypoglycemia 1.

    Read more:What Is Type 1 Diabetes?

    How Do I Treat An Episode Of Hypoglycemia


    The American Diabetes Association recommends the 15-15 rule for an episode of hypoglycemia:

    • Eat or drink 15 grams of carbs to raise your blood sugar.
    • After 15 minutes, check your blood sugar.
    • If its still below 70 mg/dL, have another 15 grams of carbs.
    • Repeat until your blood sugar is at least 70 mg/dL.

    If you have symptoms of hypoglycemia but cant test your blood sugar, use the 15-15 rule until you feel better.

    Note: Children need fewer grams of carbs. Check with your healthcare provider.

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