Thursday, May 9, 2024

Can Sugar Cause Urinary Problems

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Do You Have Too Much Sugar In Urine 7 Possible Causes

Does diabetes cause a WEAK bladder?! | A Urologist Explains

Do you have sugar in your urine? This can be a sign of type 2 diabetes.By learning how it got there, you can do something about it before it’s too late.Learn 7 causes of sugar in the urine and what you as a man or a woman can do about it.


If you do a urine test and discover that it contains a lot of sugar, it can come as a bit of a shock. You had no symptoms of sugar in your urine. So you couldn’t have known.Perhaps your doctor was unable to tell you immediately how it could have happened, and you got worried. High sugar levels in your urine can indicate diabetes, and that is not a pleasant prospect.

Other Potential Causes Of Frequent Urination

There is no normal amount of times to pee on a daily basis. Frequent urination is usually defined as having to go more frequently than you normally do. If thats the case, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Urinating more often than normal can result from a number of different factors. Diabetes is only one possible explanation. Some other conditions that can sometimes affect your bladder function include:

Some Diabetes Medication May Cause Urinary Or Fecal Incontinence

Some medications used to treat diabetes, such as Metformin, may have side effects related to bowel or bladder incontinence. Diarrhea, in particular, is a possible side effect of certain diabetic drugs.

Talk to your doctor about any side effects you may be experiencing with any new prescription drugs. Your doctor may be able to prescribe an alternative or another medication to help treat issues like frequent diarrhea.

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What Makes Me More Likely To Develop Sexual Or Bladder Problems

Youre more likely to develop sexual or bladder problems if you have diabetes and

  • have high blood glucose that is not well controlled, also called high blood sugar
  • have nerve damage, also called neuropathy
  • have high blood pressure that is not treated
  • have high cholesterol that is not treated
  • are are overweight or have obesity
  • are not physically active

Research also suggests that certain genes may make people more likely to develop diabetic neuropathy.2

Urethra Pain Caused By Sugar

Uncontrolled blood sugar levels can cause many problem ...

lestudio over a year ago


Kate over a year ago

I have the same problem. I was tempted to eat meringue today. Wow! the pain is awful. I’m drinking lots of water until it goes

Guest over a year ago

I too have the same issue with burning after urination I am seeing an acupuncturist who also gives me Chinese herbs to clear the “heat” associated with this symptom. I was told to stay away initially from sugar, dairy, carbs, alcohol and fruit. It cleared right up in about 2 weeks, I had it bad. I ate a baked potato last night and had issues with burning after getting up to pee at night. I take ibupropen to reduce inflammation and I do have on hand the freeze dried aloe vera but trying not to take it since it’s expensive and want to give the herbs a chance to heal. This is all part of interstitial cystitis although my acupuncture doc says it’s lower burner heat. I’ve come a long way in a year and will continue to the herbal Chinese route.

over a year ago

In reply to anonymous on 2017-02-13 – click to read

Alexa over a year ago

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What Sexual Problems Can Women With Diabetes Have

Low sexual desire and response, vaginal dryness, and painful sex can be caused by nerve damage, reduced blood flow to the genitals, and hormonal changes. Other conditions can cause these problems, too, including menopause. If you notice a change in your sex life, talk with your health care team. A physical exam, which will include a pelvic exam, and blood and urine tests may help your doctor find the cause of your problems.

How Is It Possible To Have Too Much Sugar In Your Urine

You go to the doctor. He advises you to take a test that measures how much glucose you have in your urine.Or you’ve been naughty and bought a test online that lets you measure glucose in your urine yourself. And this is how you find out that you have too much.Naturally, you ask yourself why this is a bad thing.Now, I assume you’re smart enough to discuss this with your doctor, who may do some follow-up tests to find out what the actual cause is because I can’t look into your body from behind my computer. You need a doctor for that.However, if you have diabetes because a test shows that you do, and you still have sugar in your urine despite your efforts to do something about it…… then I have several answers for you.

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Involuntary Leakage Of Urine

Diabetes can cause external urethral sphincter dysfunction. The external urethral sphincters is a muscle that surrounds the urethra, keeping it shut so urine doesnt leak out. Usually, when someone urinates, the external sphincter muscle relaxes, and when the person is done, the muscle contracts. But when the sphincter muscles control is damaged by diabetes, it can either fail to relax, causing urinary retention or fail to contract, causing the involuntary leakage of urine. Diabetes can also impair the relaxation of the internal urethral sphincter , which also affects the flow of urine out.

The bladder can also become overactive: the damaged nerves can send wrong signals to the bladder, making it squeeze and expel fluids without warning.

What Causes Incontinence Anyway

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Simply put, incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. There are many types of incontinence , and many different reasons why someone may develop bladder leaks. Bladder leaks may be the result of weakened pelvic floor muscles from childbirth, certain medications youre taking, or even nerve damage that developed because of a different condition all together.

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Diet And Urinary Irritation

A bladder infection occurs in the upper part of the urinary tract. It typically starts as an infection in the lower urinary tract that isn’t caught in time, allowing the bacteria to migrate further up the urinary tract and progress to a bladder infection. When you start having lower urinary tract symptoms, you may be able to reduce the risk of it progressing by making some dietary changes. Researchers found a benefit to limiting soda, artificial sweeteners and caffeinated beverages, according to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2013.

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The Causes Of Sugar In The Urine Of Type 2 Diabetes Patients

If you haven’t yet been diagnosed with diabetes, you should be aware the glucose in your urine could have a number of other causes, none of which have anything to do with diabetes. Confusion on this issue is not a good plan.

If you assume that it’s something other than diabetes, you can live with type 2 diabetes for years without really knowing it.

But if you diagnose yourself as having diabetes without knowing for sure, you may overlook one of the following possible causes:

  • Side effects of medication
  • Problems with your kidneys
  • Pregnancy

In all cases, it’s vital to identify the exact cause of the glucose in your urine. This can only be done properly by a doctor. And until the doctor confirms that you do indeed have diabetes, increased glucose in your urine is not conclusive proof.

Having said that… let’s continue:

Assuming you have previously been diagnosed with diabetes and found out that there is more glucose in your urine than you hoped for, then this was caused by blood sugar being too high. Now, the question is: why is your blood sugar level higher than expected?

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Bladder Conditions And Urinary Tract Infections

“Diabetes can affect the function and structure of the lower urinary tract, which in turn may play a role in patients with diabetes having more UTIs, overactive or underactive bladder, and problems with urination,” says Michael J. Kennelly, MD, Professor of Urology and Obstetrics & Gynecology at Carolinas Medical Center.

Over time, people with diabetes may lose sensory function. This can make it hard to know that you have to go to the bathroom. As a result, people may wait too long to go to the bathroom, or if the urine stays in the bladder too long, it may raise your chance for getting a bladder or kidney infection.

Diabetes And Incontinence Type 2 Diabetes

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If you live with type 2 diabetes, there is potential for your condition to exacerbate any bladder and bowel control problems you may be having.

Being overweight is a condition that puts people at higher risk of both type 2 diabetes and incontinence. Overweight and obesity are major contributors to bladder and bowel control, because the excess strain placed on the pelvic floor muscles weakens them and compromises their ability to support the bladder and bowel, and to shut off the urinary and anal passages.

Fluctuating blood glucose levels or long-term type 2 diabetes can cause damage to nerves, which can lead to problems with bladder and bowel control. This may manifest as a loss in sensation and having little warning about needing to go to the toilet or that your bladder is filling. There may be reduced sensation about whether or not the bladder or bowel is empty, increasing the risk of urinary tract infections , kidney damage or constipation.

Diabetes also interferes with the immune system which increases the risk of infection. This combination of immune system decline and poor bladder emptying due to nerve damage, puts people with diabetes at greater risk of UTIs. These can be treated with antibiotics and by practicing good personal hygiene for example wiping from front to back to avoid contaminating the vagina with bowel bacteria.

Content sourced from the Continence Foundation of Australia

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Can Uti’s Be Caused By Hot Tubs Or Whirlpools

Your “you time” to unwind and relax can get you in trouble if your hot tub or Jacuzzi is unhygienic or dirty. You can easily catch Pseudomonas aeruginosa a bacterium most commonly found in hot tubs or whirlpools whichis the main cause of UTIs and hot tub rash.

A study conducted with three UTI patients, found that,all three of the patients were perfectly healthy before contracting Pseudomonas aeruginosa from a hot tub, spa or whirlpool they used. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of their UTI.

The results showed that hot tubs, spa or whirlpools are a high-risk factor for UTIs linked with Pseudomonas.

What Is Urinary Tract Infection

A Urinary tract infection is an infection of the urinary tract caused by small microorganisms like bacteria, fungi or in some rare cases by viruses. These microbes are very small and can only be seen under a microscope.

A UTI can occur anywhere in the upper or lower urinary tract. The urinary tract is made up of your kidneys, urethra and bladder. UTIs are amongst the most prevalent infections in human beings. Women are more likely to catch a UTI than men.

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Cause #: You’re Not Getting Enough Exercise

As I mentioned earlier, three things obesity, fast sugars, and doing hardly any exercise virtually guarantee that you will develop diabetes. And the latter of the three should never be underestimated.

The human body is not made to remain motionless all day long. After half an hour of sitting, your metabolism has already started slowing down.And not moving will cause your body to retain all the sugars you ate.Of course, obesity and little activity are linked. People who are more overweight have less desire to exercise, and people who hardly exercise become overweight.

Fortunately, you don’t have to become a marathon runner to get rid of your excess weight. Doing any sports will guard against getting sugars in your urine . Even one short 15-minute walk each day can make a difference. Basically, try NOT to sit on your fat behind all day.

The Diabetes-Free Secret

So, now you know the 7 most common causes of sugar in your urine. I’ve already given you one or two tips on what you can do about it. But I have something that I’m sure will help you more.

It has recently been discovered that it is possible to reverse type 2 diabetes. And everything you need to do this can be found in your local grocery store.You can reverse type 2 with one powerful principle. It’s something I call “The Diabetes-Free Secret.” Several pages that I’ve written about this secret will change your life forever. You will learn:

What Is Albuminuria

What is urinary incontinence? Causes, symptoms and treatment explained

Albumin is a type of protein. The urine test is assessing the rate at which the kidneys are leaking a albumin into the urine. Albuminuria can lead to problems with the bodys fluid balance and result in swelling , often in the legs, feet, face and hands.

The urine is tested with a special test strip in the laboratory. See your doctor immediately if you have any of the above signs of bladder or kidney infection. Any treatment that lowers levels of protein in the urine can help to reduce the rate of progression to kidney failure. ACE inhibitors or ARBs may be used to treat albuminuria. These drugs should be used even if blood pressure is in the desired range.

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How Do You Get Flu

Among the symptoms you can get from kidney stones not related to urination are nausea, vomiting, fever, and chills. A bad enough case can cause nausea and vomiting, while an infection in the kidney or bladder can cause fever and chills.

Many of these symptoms are also closely associated with bad cases of the flu, which can create confusion over what condition you have. When you have these symptoms in addition to abdominal pain and urinary problems, they may be the sign of an infection, so you should seek treatment as soon as possible. Your doctor can treats the infection in addition to helping you pass the stone.

A blood or urine test can determine if youre dealing with kidney stones. Treatments are available, including anti inflammatory drugs, allopurinol to reduce uric acid levels, shock wave lithotripsy to break up larger stones, ureteroscope , or surgery.

Kidney stones can be painful, but many treatment options are available. If youre dealing with kidney stones and need treatment, make an appointment with Drs. Herman, Kester and Urology Center of Florida today.

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What To Look For If You Have Diabetes

Since the symptoms may be insidious you may not notice much at all. A quick self-check may offer some clues:

  • How often do you go to the toilet with the purpose to void your bladder? Less than 4 times?
  • Do you feel that you need to strain to empty your bladder?
  • Do you feel like your bladder is not emptied?
  • Have you had several urinary tract infections the last year?

If yes, to any of these questions a check up may be of value. The same goes if you have other bothersome symptoms from your urinary tract.

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The Problems With Sugar

What are the problems with sugar when it comes to cystitis? Firstly, never mind the cystitis, sugar is simply everywhere these days! Much of the time packaged or processed food and drinks are common culprits as they have lots of hidden sugar in them. Unfortunately, the ever-expanding sugary component of our diet is thought to be contributing to a number of issues, including obesity and type II diabetes, but possibly also smaller scale, yet equally troubling problems, such as recurrent cystitis or UTIs.

Here, I explore some of the ways in which sugar could be wreaking havoc with your bladder:

Diabetes And Bladder Problems

How Having Diabetes Can Affect Your Kidneys

Neurogenic bladder is a form of diabetic neuropathy in which selective damage leads to autonomic neuropathy where the nerves affected result in decreased urination frequency.

Urination dysfunction has long been a problem associated with diabetes, and bladder problems can often be more severe in people with diabetes.

However, according to research from Adeline M.Yerkes, BSN, MPH, published in the journal Diabetes Spectrum , diabetes is not a common cause of neurogenic bladder.

Yerkes reports that less than one per cent of neuropathies are related to the neurogenic bladder, with only a small number of people with diabetes likely to experience preferential autonomic nervous system involvement, which causes the neurogenic bladder.

People with diabetes can stop the development of neurogenic bladder by controlling blood sugar levels and preventing autonomic nerve damage from happening.

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Silent Symptoms Of Diabetes

More than 30 million Americans have diabetes, including 7.2 million that are undiagnosed. Additionally, 1.5 million Americans are newly diagnosed each year. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases. Diabetes has plenty of early signs, but some symptoms are subtle. Here are 10 subtle signs of diabetes:

How To Know If Its Diabetes

Peeing a lot is a hallmark sign of both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, as the elimination of bodily fluids is sometimes your bodys only way of flushing excess blood sugar.

But urinating more than usual is just one of many signs and can be caused by any number of health conditions. If youre worried about diabetes, its important to look out for some of these other common diabetes symptoms:

  • Fatigue. The cells inability to draw on glucose for energy can leave people with diabetes feeling depleted and exhausted much of the time. Dehydration only makes the fatigue worse.
  • Weight loss. A combination of low insulin levels and an inability to absorb sugar from the blood can lead to rapid weight loss in people with diabetes.
  • Blurred vision. A side effect of the dehydration caused by diabetes can be a severe drying of the eyes, which may affect vision.
  • Swollen gums. Those with diabetes are at higher risk for infections, swelling, or buildup of pus in the gums.
  • Tingling. A loss in sensation in the limbs, fingers, or toes is a common side effect of excess blood sugar.

If youre frequently urinating and worry it might be diabetes, keep an eye out for some of these other classic symptoms. If you notice several of them, or just want to be sure, consult a doctor.

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