Saturday, July 27, 2024

What Is Worse For Diabetics Sugar Or Carbs

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Whats The Worst Carb For Belly Fat

Carbohydrates and Diabetes – Simple and complex carbs

This means that some of the fat lost on a low carb diet is harmful abdominal fat. Just avoiding the refined carbs like sugar, candy, and white bread should be sufficient, especially if you keep your protein intake high. If the goal is to lose weight fast, some people reduce their carb intake to 50 grams per day.

The Studies Vilifying Sugar Are All Garbage

When it comes to sugar, pretty much all of the studies disparaging it fall into one of four categories:

  • Epidemiological
  • Adding excess calories to diet in the form of high fructose corn syrup
  • High fructose corn syrup instead of sucrose
  • Studies on rats who react much differently to fructose than humans do
  • Whereas there is a substantial amount of higher quality evidence on the opposite side: controlled, isocaloric studies on sucrose in human beings showing no detriment to adding sugar. But similar to red meat, these arent what generate interest these days and arent whats cited.

    Dont believe me. Lets get into the actual studies they use to claim sugar is bad for you since were all so pro science here.

    Dairy Provides Key Nutrients Such As Calcium And Protein

    You may be surprised to learn that milk and other dairy products contain sugar in the form of lactose. But this is an important food group to include in your healthy diabetes diet because these foods offer protein and calcium. Protein offers staying power in your meals , according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, while calcium is a critical mineral for heart, muscle, and bone health, the National Institutes of Health points out.

    Though many people are opting for full-fat dairy, Palinski-Wade recommends low-fat dairy, which is labeled as 1 or 2 percent milk fat. Full-fat dairy contains higher levels of saturated fat, which can not only increase the risk of heart disease and inflammation, but diets rich in saturated fat have been associated with a higher level of insulin resistance, she says, supporting findings from a study published in August 2018 in Diabetes Care.

    For reference, a cup of full-fat milk contains 4.55 grams of saturated fat, 149 calories, and 12 g of carbohydrates, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture . Compare that with a cup of 1 percent milk, which has 1.54 g of saturated fat, 102 calories, and 12 g carbohydrates, per the USDA.

    Milk itself offers bone-building calcium and energizing protein. Take 1 percent milk for example 1 cup offers 8 g of protein and offers 305 mg of calcium , according to the NIH.

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    You Can Adjust Your Diabetes Drugs To Cover Whatever You Eat

    MYTH. If you use insulin for your diabetes, you may learn how to adjust the amount and type you take to match the amount of food you eat. But this doesn’t mean you can eat as much as you want and then just use additional drugs to stabilize your blood sugar level.

    If you use other types of diabetes drugs, don’t try to adjust your dose to match varying levels of carbohydrates in your meals unless your doctor tells you to. Most diabetes medications work best when you take them as directed. When in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

    How Much Does 15 Grams Of Carbs Raise Your Blood Sugar

    Carbs are Good, and Bad.... Let me Make it Easy.

    4.2/5CarbsAgramglucose raises the blood sugaragram glucoseraises the blood sugar15gramscarbohydrateblood sugars

    1 gram of carbs raises blood sugar levels 3-4 mg/dL.

    Additionally, can eating too few carbs raise blood sugar? Unlike starch and sugar, naturally occurring fiber in food does not raise blood sugar levels. When diabetics eat foods high in digestible carbs, their blood sugar can rise to very high levels. However, eating fewer carbs can significantly reduce their mealtime insulin dosage.

    Furthermore, how much will 60 carbs raise blood sugar?

    1. Body Size


    How much is 15 grams of carbohydrates?

    One serving of carbohydrate is measured as 15 grams. A food that contains 15 grams of carbohydrate is called one carb serving. For example, one slice of bread, a small piece of fruit, or a ear of corn each have around 15 grams of carb.

    Also Check: What Happens If You Take Too Much Insulin

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    You Have To Give Up Desserts If You Have Diabetes

    MYTH. You could:

    • Cut back. Instead of two scoops of ice cream, have one. Or share a dessert with a friend.
    • Consider using low-calorie sweeteners. Keep in mind, there might be a few carbs in these.
    • Expand your horizons. Instead of ice cream, pie, or cake, try fruit, a whole wheat oatmeal-raisin cookie, or yogurt.
    • Tweak the recipe. For instance, you can often use less sugar than a recipe calls for without sacrificing taste or consistency.

    Very Low Carb Ketogenic Diets

    Very low carb diets typically induce mild to moderate ketosis, a state in which your body uses ketones and fat, rather than sugar, as its main energy sources.

    Ketosis usually occurs at a daily intake of fewer than 50 or 30 grams of total or digestible carbs , respectively. This equates to no more than 10% of calories on a 2,000-calorie diet.

    Very low carb, ketogenic diets have been prescribed for people with diabetes even before insulin was discovered in 1921 .

    Several studies indicate that restricting carb intake to 2050 grams of carbs per day can significantly reduce blood sugar levels, promote weight loss, and improve heart health in people with diabetes .

    In addition, these improvements often occur very quickly.

    For instance, in a study in people with obesity and diabetes, limiting carbs to 21 grams per day for 2 weeks led to a spontaneous decrease in calorie intake, lower blood sugar levels, and a 75% increase in insulin sensitivity .

    In a small, 3-month study, people consumed a calorie-restricted, low fat diet or a low carb diet containing up to 50 grams of carbs per day.

    The low carb group averaged a 0.6% decrease in HbA1c and lost over twice as much weight as the low fat group. Whats more, 44% of them discontinued at least one diabetes medication, compared with 11% of the low fat group .

    In fact, in several studies, insulin and other diabetes medications have been reduced or discontinued due to improvements in blood sugar control (

    19 ).

    Recommended Reading: How To Stop Sugar Cravings And Lose Weight

    Learn More About Treating Type 2 Diabetes

    The Diabetic DietDiet is very important in diabetes. There are differing philosophies on what is the best diet but below is a guideline with some general principles.

    Patients with type 1 diabetes should have a diet that has approximately 35 calories per kg of body weight per day . If you have a child who has type 1 diabetes, we encourage you to read our article about meal planning for children with type 1 diabetes.

    How Much Does 1 Gram Of Carb Raise Blood Sugar

    CARBS vs. SUGAR | Which Is WORSE For Your Weight Loss Goals?

    So even if you perform the necessary calculations, your blood sugar after the meal can be off by a carbohydrate error of 5 mg/dl multiplied by ± 30 grams , or by a whopping ±150 mg/dl for just this one meal Posted November 24, 2010. Hello Jack, Quote. According to Dr. Richard Bernstein, for a 150-pound diabetic, a gram of carbs will raise his/her blood sugar by 5 points. One of the first purchases we made after my husband was diagnosed was Dr. Bersteins book. Excellent resource and educational tool One teaspoon of sugar has about 5 grams of carbohydrate, and 20 calories. One tablespoon of sugar has about 15 grams of carbohydrate, and 60 calories. So it may be no surprise that sugar and sugar-containing foods still have an impact on your blood sugar and body weight, just like other carbohydrate foods. Can I include sugar in my meal plan Follow the 15-15 rule: 1. Check your blood sugar. 2. If your reading is 100 mg/dL or lower, have 15-20 grams of carbohydrate to raise your blood sugar. This may be: 4 glucose tablets , or. 1 glucose gel tube , or. 4 ounces of juice or regular soda , or

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    There Are Too Many Rules In A Diabetes Diet

    MYTH. If you have diabetes, you need to plan your meals, but the general idea is simple. Youâll want to keep your blood sugar levels as close to normal as possible. Choose foods that work along with your activities and any medications you take.

    Will you need to make adjustments to what you eat? Probably. But your new way of eating may not require as many changes as you think.

    How Much Sugar Can A Person With Diabetes Have

    If you have diabetes, you may have been told to watch your sugar intake or even eliminate sugar altogether. But does that truly mean you can never ever eat any sugar? Or is there a way for you to enjoy a sweet treat every now and then?

    Here we look at how sugar impacts your blood sugar. Read on to learn tips to identify hidden sugars, choose better carbs, and work with your doctor to stick to a diabetes-friendly diet.

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    The Best And Worst Diabetes Food Advice I’ve Seen

    The lame food advice at my diagnosis, why it didnt work, and my #1 Bright Spot solution

    Ill never forget the diabetes food advice I received from my doctor at diagnosis:

    You can eat whatever you want, as long as you take insulin for it.

    In my view, this advice is misleading, overly simplistic, and damaging. In fact, Id nominate it for the worst diabetes food advice out there. Unfortunately, those who are newly diagnosed tell me it is still common. Ugh.

    Eating whatever I wanted and taking insulin for it was the worst kind of blank check it set me up for years of out-of-control high blood sugars, deep and prolonged lows, huge guesstimated insulin doses , mood and energy swings, and lots of diabetes frustration. My blood sugar rarely stayed in my target range , since the effort required was so high.

    It wasnt until I took some nutrition classes in college, shared a dorm with a bodybuilder, started writing at diaTribe, and began using a continuous glucose monitor that I landed on the food advice below: eating fewer carbs and more fat had a game-changing impact on my diabetes, insulin dosing burden, overall health , and quality of life. In Bright Spots & Landmines, this advice appears first in the book for a reason its been the most important tool for improving my life with diabetes. Ill follow up next month with an updated list of foods I currently eat, recipes, and interesting new food tricks Ive been testing.

    Important Notes

    What Foods Can Help Raise Blood Sugar Fast

    Carbs vs Sugar for Type 2 Diabetes

    Because your blood sugar comes from the foods and beverages you consume, one of the easiest ways to raise your blood sugar fast is to grab a quick snack.

    The American Diabetes Association recommends the 15-15 rule if your blood sugar dips below 70 mg/dL: Eat at least 15 grams of carbohydrates, then wait 15 minutes to recheck your blood sugar.

    If youre still below 70 mg/dL, have another 15 grams of carbs, wait 15 minutes, and check your levels again.

    Among the foods you can try for a quick blood sugar boost are:

    • a piece of fruit, like a banana, apple, or orange
    • 2 tablespoons of raisins
    • 4 Starbursts
    • 1 tablespoon of sugar in water

    Foods that contain protein or fat, such as peanut butter, ice cream, and chocolate, may be helpful if your blood sugar level has dropped but isnt below 70 mg/dL.

    These higher-fat foods, as well as whole-grain bread and other high-fiber foods, take longer to absorb into your bloodstream. Because of this, these foods wont raise your blood sugar as quickly as foods that have more simple carbohydrates.

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    How Certain Carbs Affect Your Blood Sugar

    Not all carbohydrates are created equal. Different kinds of carbs can have certain effects on your blood sugar and diabetes.

    Simple vs. ComplexCarbohydrates are typically classified into two categories: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates, like candy, soda, cookies, and white bread, are quick energy sources. Your body breaks them down quickly because they dont contain many nutrients. Thats why you may find your blood sugar spike after you eat a slice of white bread toast or munch on a bowl of ice cream.

    On the other hand, complex carbohydrates, like whole-grain breads, pastas, and sweet potatoes, are chock-full of vitamins and fiber. It takes your body longer to break these down, which is why they dont have as a large of an effect on your blood sugar levels. This is also why you feel fuller after eating a bowl of oatmeal rice than you do after chowing down on a breakfast of frosted cereal flakes.

    The Glycemic IndexThe Glycemic Index measures how quickly carbohydrates are released into the bloodstream. Its a quick and easy way for everyone, especially people with diabetes, to check how certain carbohydrates may affect blood sugar. According to the GI, there are two types of carbs: low and high glycemic index carbs, and carbs that fall in between.

    Low GI foods, like complex carbs, wont raise your blood sugar very quickly. Examples of these include oatmeal, pasta, sweet potatoes, fruits, and carrots.

    Try To Cut Back On Hidden Sugar

    We all know that chocolate-covered donuts, three scoops of ice cream drowned in caramel sauce, and a thick slab of strawberry shortcake are sugar bombs. But sugar can also be hidden, in salad dressing and ketchup, tomato sauce, cereal or granola, flavored yogurt, and bread. Unlike sugars that naturally occur in foods like fruit, these added sugars are put in foods during production.

    Dana Hunnes, a senior dietitian at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, recommends becoming a savvy sugar sleuth. I always suggest, she says, that you scan labels for ingredients such as monosaccharides, disaccharides, sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup, agave nectar, molasses, cane juice, cane sugar, date sugar, and evaporated cane juice. Any of these could be added sugars. The Food and Drug Administrations new food label requirements make it a cinch to find how much sugar has been added during processing: Just look for the line that says added sugars.

    Also Check: What Raises Your Blood Sugar

    What Are The Different Types Of Carbs

    There are 3 types of carbs:

  • Sugars, such as the natural sugar in fruit and milk or the added sugar in soda and many other packaged foods.
  • Starches, including wheat, oats, and other grains starchy vegetables such as corn and potatoes and dried beans, lentils, and peas.
  • Fiber, the part of plant foods that isnt digested but helps you stay healthy.
  • Sugars and starches raise your blood sugar, but fiber doesnt.

    Foods To Avoid In Diabetes

    Which is Worse For You: Sugar or Fat?

    Controlling your diabetes requires a careful balance of lifestyle habits, including eating right. There are some foods to avoid in diabetes to keep the blood sugar levels normal. However, it can be tricky to navigate proper nutrition, especially with foods that sound healthy. Sugar isnt the only thing to limit if you have diabetes. Too much fat, sodium, carbohydrates, and calories can increase your risk of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, uncontrolled blood sugar, and weight gain.

    Some food items have a high glycemic index and may contribute to the sudden increase in blood pressure. These foods to avoid in diabetes are-

    Don’t Miss: How To Fix High Blood Sugar Quickly

    Carb Vs Sugar: How To Understand Nutrition Labels

    Growing up with Type 1 diabetes meant that much of my young life was spent hearing the quote you cant eat sugar. Typically, it was because it is the first thought people have when it comes to diabetes. But there is so much more than sugars. Total carbohydrate grams are what help tell the whole story.

    Myth: Carbohydrate grams dont matter. Sugar grams are the only thing that increases blood sugar.

    Fact: Both sugar grams and carbohydrate grams have a direct impact on blood sugar.

    How your body works

    The foods we eat break down when digested and much of what we eat breaks down into glucose. . Insulin is needed when we eat anything that breaks down into glucose the insulin either comes from your pancreas, or you need to take insulin from a pump/shot.

    Where this gets tricky is that its easy to think that glucose is sugar only, which is not the case. What makes it even more confusing is that they are both on the nutrition label and we know that is where we are supposed to look for our carbohydrate information.

    Understanding Nutrition Labels

    Carbohydrates are actually comprised of three nutrients: carbohydrates, fiber, and sugar. You may, and will see, foods that are very low in sugar but high in carbohydrate.

    Example 1

    Example 2

    Carbs Or Sugar: What Is Worse

    Well, sugar in and of itself is not a friend of any person with or without diabetes.

    We all know that added sugar is now included in thousands and thousands of grocery store items. And thats a large part of our dietary issues our bodies are just not designed to consume that much sugar.

    The World Health Organization recommendations suggest to eat no more than 25 g or 6 teaspoons added sugar per day. In reality, many people eat much more than this, because it is in so many packaged foods.

    Without a doubt, added, pure sugar is one of the worst offenders in our modern diet.

    However, there are also lots of other simple sugars/ simple carbs in our diet that are equally as bad, and these are classified as carbs. For instance, white pasta, white flour, white crackers, white bread, etc all the refined and highly processed ingredients that are very high in carbs.

    For a person with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, monitoring carb intake is essential. Its the difference between good blood sugar and A1c numbers that are within the normal healthy range , and high blood sugars in the 200s or 300s .

    The reason for this is that carbs are the nutrient that influences blood sugar and A1c the most, more than any other nutrient.

    Sorry to harp on about this fact but its something you need to understand.

    Heres the reason: all of these foods a very high carb foods.

    Don’t Miss: What Is Good Blood Sugar

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