Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is 108 Blood Sugar Good

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Maintain A Healthy Weight

Coffee for Diabetics, Good or Bad? Raises Blood Sugar or NOT? SugarMD.

Eating a balanced diet and exercising can help you lose or maintain weight. Ask your doctor what a healthy weight is for you.

Work with them to determine how many calories you should be eating. If you need to lose weight, ask them how much weight you should be losing per week to stay healthy.

Crash diets and extreme workout plans may make for entertaining television, but they arent realistic for long-term maintenance. Theyre often unhealthy as well.

Average A1c Test Level

An A1C test is performed to measure the average of a person’s blood sugar levels over the last 3 months. The results of the test are presented as a percentage. The average range falls in between 4-6%. A1C test levels of greater than 7% reveal poor diabetes management and the need for changes in the future. Some important facts about blood sugar include the following:

  • Insulin is a hormone produced by a person’s pancreas, it helps to maintain average blood sugar levels
  • Glucose is a simple sugar it is one of the primary molecules that serve as energy sources for both animals and plants
  • High or uncontrolled blood sugar levels may lead to health complications such as heart disease, blindness or kidney disease
  • Increased concentration of glucose in a person’s blood leads to a condition referred to as, ‘diabetic coma,’ or hyperglycemia
Blood Sugar Chart

What Is Low Blood Sugar

Hypoglycaemia is a condition wherein blood sugar levels are too low. This condition affects a number of diabetic people when their bodies do not have enough glucose to use as energy. Hypoglycaemia is commonly the result of taking too much of the medication/s prescribed to treat diabetes, eating less than expected, exercising more than normal or skipping meals.

Some of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia include:

  • A pale face

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Sugar Level Is It A Sign Of Diabetes

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Signs You Are Experiencing Diabetic Ketoacidosis

A1C Diabetes Chart : Diabetic Diet And Food Tips

If you are in DKA, its likely that you are nauseous or vomiting. Your breath may have a fruity or acetone odor as your body tries to offload ketones through your breathing. Its likely that you will be dehydrated with very high BG levels and excessive urination. You might have aches and pains, and perhaps blurred vision. Not fun!

DKA is serious, and can be life-threatening. Because of dehydration and excessive ketone production, the blood becomes acidic. This is caused by a lack of working insulin. Most cells preferentially burn glucose for fuel. Many cells can also burn fat in small amounts. While glucose burns cleanly, fat produces waste products called ketones. Ketones are acid and upset the pH balance, essentially polluting the atmosphere in our bodies.

We dont tend to burn much fat at a time, so small amounts of ketones can usually be broken down and burned off along with glucose. Its necessary to have enough glucose in the body cells so there is a fuel source, and we also need to have insulin to move the glucose into the cells, where it can be used for energy. If there is no insulin, the glucose cant get inside the cells. The cells are then forced to burn fat as an energy source, and this causes large amounts of ketones to be produced.

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How Common Is Low Blood Glucose

Low blood glucose is common among people with type 1 diabetes and among people with type 2 diabetes who take insulin or some other diabetes medicines. In a large global study of people with diabetes who take insulin, 4 in 5 people with type 1 diabetes and nearly half of those with type 2 diabetes reported a low blood sugar event at least once over a 4-week period.2

Severely low blood glucose, defined as when your blood glucose level drops so low you cant treat it yourself, is less common. Among U.S. adults with diabetes who take insulin or some diabetes medicines that help the pancreas release insulin into the blood, 2 in 100 may develop severely low blood glucose each year.3

What Is The Hba1c Test

Your HbA1c also known as A1c is a blood test that measures the amount of leftover glucose that have accumulated in your bloodstream during the prior 3 months. The higher your A1c is, the more damage is occurring to your bodys nerve endings and blood vessels in areas like your eyes, your fingers, and toes, and your kidneys.

The more AGEs are present in your blood, the more damage is occurring that can develop into diabetes complications like retinopathy, neuropathy, hair-loss, gastroparesis, dermopathy, and nephropathy.

The higher your blood sugars are each day, the higher your next A1c result will be!

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Q What Is The Blood Sugar Level For A 72 Year Old Woman

Answer:If you are aged but completely healthy, then you are likely to have your blood glucose at a standard level. But generally, aged people are more or less vulnerable to diseases. Though it is preferable to have blood sugar in between 100-120 mg/dl rising up to 140mg/dl is acceptable in certain conditions.

Factors That Increase Your Risk Of Prediabetes

9 Signs Your Blood Sugar Is High – Diabetes Symptoms

While mainstream media often depicts type 2 diabetes as the result of being overweight, not exercising, and eating unhealthy food, it is significantly more complex.

There are actually two pathways that lead to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

The first is basic insulin resistance, which means your body needs more and more insulin in order to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. At a certain point, the pancreas cant keep up with the demand, and blood sugars begin to rise.

The second is a genetic disposition that results in the gradual dysfunction and destruction of your pancreas beta-cells. Beta-cells play the leading role in insulin production, and many people with type 2 diabetes struggle to actually produce normal amounts of insulin.

Determining which group you are in isnt easy, or even possible for the average patient.

For patients in this second group, reversing diabetes isnt likely possible, but that doesnt mean you cant take steps towards improving your health isnt worthwhile.

The most important factors that increase your risk of prediabetes are:

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What Does A Glucose Level Of 106 Mean

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. Thereof, is 106 blood sugar normal?

Yes, there is a safe blood sugar level. It is the optimum range that safely provides the body with adequate amounts of energy. For the average person, it is 70 to 105 mg/dl in a fasting state.

Similarly, is a glucose level of 101 bad? A person with prediabetes has a fasting blood glucose level between 100 and 125 mg/dl. If the fasting blood glucose level is to 126 mg/dl or above, a person is considered to have diabetes.

In respect to this, is a fasting blood sugar of 106 bad?

Fasting blood sugar testA fasting blood sugar level from 100 to 125 mg/dL is considered prediabetes. This result is sometimes called impaired fasting glucose. A fasting blood sugar level of 126 mg/dL or higher indicates type 2 diabetes.

What does a glucose level of 101 mean?

Diabetes is a disease that affects how your body uses sugar. A normal fasting blood sugar level is less than 100. If it is between 100 and 125 then you are considered to have prediabetes. If it’s greater than 126, you’ll be diagnosed with diabetes. The 2nd test is a hemoglobin A1C.

Why Your A1c Matters

In a nutshell: your A1c is one of the clearest indicators of your risk for developing diabetes complications like neuropathy , retinopathy , nephropathy , and severe infection in any part of your body that requires healing.

For instance, a small cut on your toe could become infected due to high blood sugars, struggle to heal, and become severe enough that the infection could lead to an amputation.

The general guidelines from the American Diabetes Association recommend an A1c at or below 7.0 percent for the best prevention of diabetes complications. Your risk of developing a diabetes complication continues to drop as your A1c drops closer to 6 percent.

Some people with diabetes aim for A1c levels in the 5s and lower especially those who follow strict low-carb diets like the ketogenic diet and the Bernstein diet. However, this hasnt been proven in research as especially necessary, nor is it reasonably achievable for the larger population of people with diabetes.

Its also important to remember that your blood sugar levels and your A1c are just information that tells you whether your body needs more or less of factors like insulin, other diabetes medications, changes in your nutrition, and changes in your exercise.

If you dont like the number youre seeing on your glucose meter or your A1c results, use that number as motivation to make changes in how you safely manage your diabetes in order to get different results.

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What Is Blood Glucose

Blood glucose comes from food. When an individual eats, the food is broken down into sugar and sent to the blood. The insulin is what helps the sugar go into the cells. Once this happens, the sugar that has moved from the blood into the cells is used for energy or is stored.

Glucose is known as the bodys main energy source. Too much glucose in the blood, or if it is not absorbed properly, can create health issues both long and short term. To keep a healthy blood sugar level, it is important to:

  • Eat healthily
  • Check blood glucose levels
  • Keep in contact with your healthcare provider

It is important to keep in contact with a healthcare professional, eat properly, check your blood glucose, and exercise regularly to keep a healthy blood sugar level.

The Surprising Truth About Prediabetes

Here Are Some Important Guidelines For Monitoring Your ...

Its real. Its common. And most importantly, its reversible. You can prevent or delay prediabetes from developing into type 2 diabetes with simple, proven lifestyle changes.

Amazing but true: approximately 88 million American adults1 in 3have prediabetes. Whats more, more than 84% of people with prediabetes dont know they have it. Could this be you? Read on to find out the facts and what you can do to stay healthy.

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/ 120 Blood Sugar Level

Although 120 is not too high, ideally you do want to gain very good control of your blood sugar levels by following a healthy diet and doing regular exercise.

If you can get your fasting level between 90-100 mg/dl , and your 2 hour reading between 120-140 mg/dl then that is optimal.

These are goals to work towards.

Hope this has helped answer your question.

Wishing you the best in health

Normal Vs Optimal Blood Sugar Ranges

Ive written extensively about the difference between normal and optimal blood markers here, and the same applies to your blood sugar ranges.

From the perspective of conventional medicine, a fasting blood sugar level of 100-125 mg/dL indicates prediabetes.

Two consecutive fasting glucose levels of 126 mg/dL indicates diabetes, as well as a random glucose reading of 200 mg/dL , and a 2-hour post-meal reading of 200 mg/dL .

But much of the data in conventional medicine comes from populations who are not enjoying optimal health.

So what does a healthy daily glucose response look like from the perspective of preventative medicine?

On waking: Research indicates that your optimal glucose after waking in the morning should be between 82-88 mg/dL . This level is associated with optimal aging, the lowest risk of chronic disease, and the lowest mortality risk.

After meals: Blood sugar peaks between 1 and 2 hours after the meal and should be back down to fasting levels by 3 hours post-meal. From the perspective of optimal health, you should avoid regularly eating foods that raise your blood sugar over 100 mg/dl .

One strategy to test the impact of your diet on your long-term health is to measure your blood sugar before and after meals.

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When Should You Check Your Non

Talk with your doctor about how often you need to check your blood sugar. Testing will depend on the type of diabetes medicine you take, as well as your overall glucose level . If you’re new to insulin, you’ll likely have to check your blood sugar several times a day. Other people with diabetes may only need to check their levels a few times a week.

You might occasionally need to check your blood sugar at times unrelated to a meal or bedtime. For example, if your doctor has recently made a change to your diabetes medication, he or she may ask you to monitor your blood glucose more frequently throughout the day in order to gauge how well your new medications are working.

You may also experience elevated blood sugars when you’re sick, as this can be part of the body’s natural response to fighting an infection, according to the National Institutes of Health. If you have a cold, therefore, you might need to check your blood sugar levels more frequently. Blood glucose can also be elevated during pregnancy or times of stress.

If you experience the symptoms of hypoglycemia, check your blood sugar ASAP. This is the only way to actually confirm that it’s low, according to the ADA.

What Puts Me At Risk Of Having Prediabetes

What is Good Diabetes Control | Dr. Kranti Shreesh Khadilkar

The biggest risk factor for prediabetes in the general adult population is being overweight or obese, particularly when the extra weight is due to excess fat in your abdomen. Also, the older you get, the higher your risk goes. Black, Hispanic, and Asian people are at higher risk than other races, as well as women who have had gestational diabetes, and people with a family history of diabetes.

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Blood Sugar Levels For Adults With Diabetes

Each time you test your blood sugar, log it in a notebook or online tool or with an app. Note the date, time, results, and any recent activities: What medication and dosage you took What you ate How much and what kind of exercise you were doing That will help you and your doctor see how your treatment is working. Well-managed diabetes can delay or prevent complications that affect your eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Diabetes doubles your risk for heart disease and stroke, too. Fortunately, controlling your blood sugar will also make these problems less likely. Tight blood sugar control, however, means a greater chance of low blood sugar levels, so your doctor may suggest higher targets.Continue reading > >

How To Keep Diabetes Under Control

In addition to modifying your diet, walk for 10 minutes after each meal to help improve insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake into your cells. Eat quality food and monitor your carbohydrates. Get a referral to a certified diabetes educator who will modify their recommendations based on your body, not what the guidelines say. If your blood sugar is still high with the recommended amount of carbs per meal, decrease the carbs further. Avoid low fat foods. Fat and protein will help your body absorb carbs more slowly and prevent spikes and troughs in your blood sugar.

Since diabetic diet is restrictive, you should change your view from focusing on the things you cant eat to focusing on all of the delicious things you can eat. All food groups are still on the table. You may have to modify recipes but there are so many awesome alternatives to almost any food available on the internet.

It is recommended to severely decrease your daily carbohydrates intake. However Low carb diets can still be rich and delicious.

Diabetics are recommended to avoid certain types of fruit, however, in moderation, all kinds of fruits can still be consumed. They key is to eat them in moderation. For example, half a banana is already one serving of carbohydrates. Apples and oranges should be no larger than a tennis ball. Be careful with dried fruits because they are concentrated.

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Fasting Blood Sugar Diabetes Medicine

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How Is Prediabetes Different From Diabetes

108 fasting blood sugar

Prediabetes is a condition that happens when your blood sugar levels are above normal but not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes. A fasting blood sugar between 110 and 125 would be considered in the âprediabetesâ range. Less than 110 is normal and greater than 126 is diabetes. These abnormal blood sugar levels usually happen when a personâs tissues donât respond well to a hormone signal to take up sugar from the blood. Also, the body doesnât make enough insulin to help overcome the weak tissue response to insulin.

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